3 | Cake Day... Maybe...

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Sehun woke up early, very early. It wouldn't be dawn for another hour and he's already sitting with legs crossed on the couch and switching through channels to see what interesting shows would be on.

On normal days, it would be hard to see the joey wake up early except if he had plans with Chanyeol to hop around the city and carelessly have fun. His eyes were glued to the television as he stumbled upon a channel that was showing bakers baking cakes and having them shaped into wacky shapes and design depending on the theme.

"Cake..." he said to himself as he dropped the remote and took the cushion and hugged it. As the show progressed, he soon placed his hand on his stomach, "Cake... tummy..."

By the time the show ended, the living room slowly began to be illuminated by the sun that shone through the glass sliding door and windows, due to both having the blinds wide open.

Sehun felt a vibration from the couch and heard a 'ping'. The joey grabbed his phone and looked at the screen, reading the message he just got.

Chanyeol 🐯 ⎦

Meet me at the cafe that's filled with plants in an hour ^^

Giggling to himself, he powered off the television and went to freshen up himself. His excitement made him finish getting ready in under probably 10 minutes. As Sehun was wearing his socks and sneakers at the door, Jongdae watched him with still drowsy eyes.

"Don't cause any troubles for them okay? Have fun," Jongdae spoke as Sehun pushed down the door handle and opened the door.

"You worry too much. Don't worry, I'll be good. Bye!" Sehun responded with eagerness and in a few moments, he already sprinted to him and Chanyeol's rendezvous.

"That joey..." Jongdae shook his head slightly as he watched Sehun fade from his sight before locking the door.

"How did you managed to make him come along? Doesn't he have any gardening in the morning? He even said his carrots grow better if he tends to it in the morning..." Sehun bombarded the questions, sitting opposite from the tiger and rabbit in front of him.

"You just have to make him jump a little with the help of a bit of the tigger scare and then it's easy to make him hop here as well!" Chanyeol explained with pure joy, with Kyungsoo's facial expression screaming otherwise. 

"Can I have cake now?" Sehun fiddled around with his fingers as he eyes the cakes that were tempting him from the display cases. 

"I had already planned on making carrot cake today but apparently someone probably misheard me and was so excited at the mention of cake he decided it was a good idea to drag me here at the break of dawn," Kyungsoo rolled his eyes as Chanyeol looked at him with a wide smile on him.

"So I can have cake here and a carrot cake from you later?" the purity in Sehun's question couldn't make Kyungsoo stay in his anger for long. Kyungsoo let out a chuckle and nodded as a reply.

"Yay! It's cake day!"

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