Chapter 20

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Loke’s P.O.V.

“Aurelie, please, wake up. Please! Wake up!”, I sobbed into my hands as the days flew by. It’s been two weeks since it happened, and the chance of her waking up has shrunk with every second, no matter how much Grandine and Aki help.

Others had died in the onslaught; Carla, Mavis, Aquadea, Ur, four lives lost, I didn’t want to lose another. I didn’t want to lose her. “Loke.” I looked up to see my grandfather at the doorway.


“I think it’s time we head back for Magnolia.”, He walked over to me, his head down.

“You go, I’m not leaving.”, I looked at Aurelie, the back of my hand brushing her cheek, one of the few places not bandaged. The fire had burned 80% of her body, and her bones were shattered in some places.

“Loke, please-

“No. I’m not going to leave her. When she wakes up, and I’m gone, who knows what she’s going to do to herself. I won’t lose her again!”, I yelled, standing up,”She saved my life, Gramps, I need to be here. I will not leave her side, I will always be here, even with my dying breath.”

“Loke Celeste! If you do not go back to your kingdom with me, you will have no kingdom to go back to.”

“Go ahead.”, I dared him,”Banish me. See if i care.”

“Loke, you idiot. What are you saying?”, I looked at Aurelie to see her amethyst eyes open, and she was frowning.

“Aurelie? You’re awake?”

“No shit, Sherlock.”, She rolled her eyes, but I saw the hint of a smile as I kissed her forehead. Aurelie laughed as she grabbed a fistful of my shirt, pulled me down and kissed me with enough passion to last a lifetime.

“We heard voi- LOKE CELESTE!”, Erza burst through the door, Jellal and Ishi at her heels.

“Good going, Aurelie!”, Ishi laughed when we pulled part. “So, are you two officially a “thing” yet?”, She asked, and we blushed.

Aurelie shuffled over and gestured for me to sit beside her. I was about to when a low growl emanated from Erza’s gritted teeth, and I backed off. “Get over here, you.”, Aurelie grabbed my hand and pulled me down beside her,”I’ll protect you.”, She whispered into my ear, and I blushed.

“I think they killed Erza.”, Jellal poked the scarlet-haired girl’s shoulder, but she didn’t move.

Ishi blew in her ear,"I think she's ta-"

"Loke Celeste. give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now.", Erza snarled, and I froze under her heavy glare.

"If you kill him, I will make yo wish you were never born.", Aurelie threatened, wrapping her arms protectively around me.

“Loke, I will banish you if you do not marry this woman, do you hear me?”, Gramps laughed, shaking his finger at me.

“Way ahead of you, old man.”, I laughed as I climbed off the bed and got down on one knee, making Aurelie flush bright red.

"Loke?", I slid my hand into my pocket and pulled out a ring box.

"Aurelie Jessalyn Scarlet, I love you with all my heart, mind, body and soul. Will you marry me?", I asked, looking into her eyes as I opened the lid to reveal a topaz-encrusted ring.

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