Chapter 2

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'Allo poppets! It's Aurelie here! (The auhor, not the really awesome knight!)

Loke: But you're the same person.



Juvia's P.O.V.

"Gray-sama?", I asked the raven-haired prince behind me. It was morning, and the sun was shining.

"Juvia please, I told you not to call me that, just Gray's fine.", He walked over to me and placed his cool hand on my shoulder,"What's up?"

I showed him the photo I was holding in my hand.It was of a light blue-haired girl sitting on a young Gray's lap."Who's this girl?", A look of pain flashed on his face, and I immediately regretted asking.

"That's my sister, Mariko. She died in a fire that also killed my parents.", His voice was barely a whisper, but I was thinking. Was it too much of a coincidence that Mariko was the name of Gray's sister, AND they looked the EXACT same? O_O Holy shit, maybe they're related. "We should get going." I nodded and followed him out the door, my mind working on the HUGE mystery. How could Mariko Alberona, our chain expert, look EXACTLY like Princess Mariko Fullbuster, chain mage. HOLY SHIT HIS SISTER WAS A CHAIN MAGE!! That is too much of a coincidence.

We reached the dining room, and opened the door. There was a silent fight going on in this room; Aurelie was glaring at Erza, who was cowering against Jellal, who was cowering against Erza because Mirajane was glaring at him. Natsu smelt of charred hair, and Aki was smirking. She jolted her hand towards the dragon-slayer, and he flinched. A blue cat that was resting on his shoulder jumped off and flew next to Aki, before slapping her arm..

"Um, are we interrupting something here?", I asked, looking at the six.

"Juvia, I need to talk to you for a minute.", Aurelie dragged me outside, leaving Gray standing there, wide-eyed. I gestured for him to go in, and he did.

"What's up, Aurelie-sama?", I asked the mage, who looked at me with tears in her eyes.

"It's about the whole point of this mission."

"It's to protect the princes, isn't it?", I was confused.

"That's one part of it. The other part was to tie up loose ends." What? "I know Prince Loke from a while back, and we began *cough* dating.", My eyes widened, filling up my face.


"i used to work in his court, as the leader of The Women In Black." THE WOMEN IN BLACK!? As in, THE ASSASSIN GROUP!? Holy shit. "Yeah, yeah, it's special. One day, it was our 1st year anniversary, and I walked in on him, kissing that damn bitch Karin!" OH MY GOD!

"I ran off, and changed my looks, to hide from him. But then, I heard from a friend that he missed me. I thought that by doing this he would recognise me, but he didn't. I asked Erza about it this morning, and she said, she said, she said that she told him I died! Of all the things! That I'd killed myself!", She sobbed, falling on her knees."No wonder he doesn't recognise me, I'm dead to him."

"Aurelie-sama, it's ok. Anyway, there's something about Markio-san Juvia wants to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"Juvia found a photo of a girl who looks like Markio-san sitting on Prince Gray-sama's lap, and when Juvia asked, Gray-sama told her that it was his little sister, Markio, a chain magic expert."

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