Chapter 12

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You know what to do


Ultear's P.O.V.

When Lisanna walked through the door, her expression was enough to make me cower against my chair. When Karin asked what happened, all Lisanna did was hiss and storm off to her room. "Wonder what happened.", I whispered.

"Whatever happened, it wasn't good.", Karin turned her attention back to the notepad in front of her. Suddenly, the door swung open to reveal my secret weapon, Lyon's ex.

"Ultear.", The pink-haired female greeted me with a smile.

"Sherry.", I smiled back as she walked in and closed the door.


"Sherry.", My green-haired friend greeted our guest with a sharp nod, before going back to her work.

"Where's Lisanna?", Sherry asked, looking for the white-haired girl.

"Her room, she's pissed, beware.", I warned as my friend walked over to the room in question and opened the door, to release a string of curses.

"That damn bitch, thinking that she can take away my Natsu, I'll show that whore who's boss, I'll show them all! Yes, yes, kill them all! Kill them all!", Lisanna's cackling creeped me out, and i looked at Karin, who was just as scared as me.

"So it wasn't good, huh?", Sherry asked, her voice showing no sign of fear.

"That bitch is Natsu's mate!", Lisanna yelled, pulling Sherry into her room and closing the door.

"Should I be worried?", Karin asked, her attention now back onto the notepad in front of her, and she was writing on it.

"Nah, she survived my mother. What's this?", I looked over her shoulder and scanned the notepad, bile rising in my throat at some of the things on the list.

"A few things we could try with those girls.", She smirked, and I re-read the last five letters of the list;


All go in, none come out.

"Perfect.", I smiled as Lisanna and Sherry walked out, smiles on their faces. "What's with you?"

"What are you standing around for? We have a plot to plan.", Sherry grinned evilly, and I immediately thanked my stars for not being one of the girls.

Lisanna read the list, and her grin widened,"Aki would definitely enjoy some of these, as would Ishi." Shelly tensed at the name, and her smile faltered.

"Will they survive the first treatment?", She asked, scanning the page,"Some of these..."

"They are what's necessary, are they not?", Lisanna asked, placing her hand on the pink-haired mage's shoulder,"Don't forget that she's using Lyon to become famous."

"Good point. She must die, and in the most horrible way possible.", She smiled, and I laughed evily, and soon everyone joined in, imagining our pains gone, nothing.

"But Mariko must be treated differently, she must suffer the most.", I added,"She needs to be broken in every way possible."

"And how is that?", Sherry asked, curious, and i continued.

"Love is a bond, strong for sure, but one swipe can break it.", I grinned, and Lisanna's eyes widened.

"Your going to kill Mystogan?", She gasped, and I nodded, making her smile."Well then, why should his twin miss out?", I like her thinking.

"Why should any of them miss out?", Karin cackled, and we joined in again. I quickly grabbed four knives and a bowl, along with a candle and a small fish. "That was quick, Ultear.", Karin admired my quick work, and I grinned back.

"Calling the Siren requires quick work, Karin.", I smiled as I handed each girl a knife, and placed the bowl in a middle. "Two for the rain women, one for the princess,", I spoke, cutting three lines on my arm and made the blood drip into the bowl, the others did the same.

"One for the fairy, one for the flame-maiden.", Karin cut two more slits on her arm, and we copied her. The bowl was almost half full, and the fish on the bottom began to flap.

"One for the dragon, one for her sister.", Lisanna cut two lines above the five already cut, and the blood flowed freely down our arms, almost filling the bowl. The fish was breathing the blood now.

"One for the demon, and one for her brother.", Sherry finished, cutting the last two lines on her arm, and the bowl filled with our blood. The fish began swimming, and Lisanna carefully lit the blood. The fire flickered on the red, and a piercing scream echoed from the fish, before it glowed in a black light. The light shifted, and it formed into the shape of the Siren, before it vanished.

The Siren was a half human, half fish being, with a black fish-like lower body and a female upper, with blood-red hair and deathly pale blue eyes. She looked at us in turn, smiling."Well, what do we have here? The ex-girlfriends and the failed princesses? Not my average customer.", She smirked, her voice like the ocean. "What do you need?"

"Unlimited power, to take down the ones who hurt us.", I told her.

"The Angels?"


"You do not need me for that. You need my sister, the demon's daughter.", She spoke, looking at me.

"Please! We need you!", I looked at her eyes, yet they held no emotion.

"Guess my real name, and if it is right, I will help you.", Damn her riddles, thank god I did my research.

"Your name is Aquadea, Water Goddess.", Aquadea frowned, YES! I was right.

"Alright then, you have my loyalty. What is it you desire, exactly.", She looked at Lisanna, who looked up at the demon. 

"We need your magic. We need you to bestow your blessing."

"You know what I desire?"

"Yes, the blood of a virgin. Would you settle for the blood of Queen Mirajane Quintessa Amarella Mizuhime Alyssa Zecora Strauss?", She grinned, and Aquadea nodded. "In two days, her blood will be yours, I just need your magic.", Aquadea frowned.

"Can I trust you?", She asked the tiny mage, who nodded. "Very well, give me your arm.", Lisanna help out her arm, and Aquadea trailed her forked tounge along the woulds, and Lisanna screamed as white scales formed over the lines, sealing the wound. Aquadea let go, and looked at the girl, who was now curled up in the foetal position."Your transformation starts now."


YES! I'm stopping it there! I am too evil! Vote and comment! BTW --> Over there is the mark of the Siren, it'll show up alot, remember it.

Loke: That's creepy

Me: Save your opinions, your interview's next!

Loke: YAY! *claps*

Me: O_o

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