Chapter 9

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Hi all! Sorry this was so late, @JusticeCrewObsession DEMANDED that I didn’t upload my fan fic cuz I was uploading too fast for her to catch up, poor baby *pouts*

Ah well, I’ve published, so get used to it now! I’m not gonna stop! *evil laugh*

Loke: I’ll make you stop


Loke: I am NOT perverted!


Mariko’s P.O.V.

“Where are we going?”, I whined as Mystogan led me to somewhere. What was so important that I had to be dragged out to the middle of nowhere?

*Flashback Starts*

“Mariko!”, I turned to see Mystogan, waving for me to come over. I smiled a goodbye at Ishi and Juvia and walked over to the mage, who was bouncing with excitement.

“What’s wrong?”, I asked, somewhat confused at his demeanor.

“Nothing, I just need to show you something really important.”, He smiled, before taking my hand and pulling me into the forest.

*Flashback Ends*

 The painful thud of Mystogan’s staff on his back hitting my leg drew me back to the present. “You’ll find out when we get there.”, He told me, his eyes were bright and his smile was wide. Why was he so happy? I’d heard rumors that some girl did this to him, but I couldn’t catch who as the servants moved away.

“Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!”, I whined again and this time, instead of continuing, Mystogan stopped suddenly. “Hey, are you alr-”, I stopped as Mystogan turned to face me and pressed me against a tree. There was a long pause, and many scenarios flashed in my head, most of them ending with my prince kissing me. I began hyperventilating slightly, and tried to calm down. As my breathing slowed, I looked up into his warm brown eyes, and got lost in them. Getting kissed seemed to get more possible by the minute. 

“Just be patient for a little longer, ok?”, He asked after a while, and I mentally slapped myself for being an idiot. Why would he like you? He’s got his ‘mystery girl’ to make him smile. I nodded and he let me go, before taking my hand and leading me into the forest.

We walked for another half hour, and by then the sun was beginning to set and my feet were aching. “Can we stop, my feet are sore.”, I can tolerate pain, but after falling and getting almost-crushed under a boulder, you get kinda wimpy.

“We’re almost there.”, He told me, and he pushed apart some vines and I gasped.

All I saw was sand and water, that’s all. The soft, white sand, meeting the deep blue ocean, the ice wizard part of me tingled in excitement.”It’s beautiful.”, I mouthed as Mystogan led me to a spot right in the middle of the abandoned bay.

“Yeah, it’s so so.”, He smiled as we sat down, not caring about the sand.

“So so?”

“Compared to what I’ve seen, it’s nothing.”

“It’s that girl, isn’t it?”, I asked, yet I already knew.

“What’s wrong? Mariko, are you crying?”, I wiped my cheek, and sure enough, there it was, a simple, yet secret-spilling tear.

“Crap.”, I whispered, wiping my hand on my dress.”I just have something in my eye.”, I told him, rubbing my eye for further effect.

“It was on your other side.” Facepalm.”What’s wrong? I’m here for you, you know.”, He wrapped a strong arm around my shoulder, pulling me close.

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