Chapter 11

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Hello there! I’m still writing this on a Saturday lol :) Enjoy! Warning: Very soppy


5 days later

Natsu’s P.O.V.

I ran through the thicket, following the familiar scent of my mate; a warm, smooth chocolate and caramel. Her scent was distinct among the trees, which echoed cut grass. I silently stalked her, my breathing pattern matching hers. I stood with the wind blowing in my face, and I could smell her, about 10 meters in front. I slowly crept up to her, and peeked from under a leaf to see where she was. I saw her sleeping form near a burned out campfire, and her belongings were safe inside a tent. “Natsu.”, Aki said my name, and I hid. Why wasn’t she attacking? I looked again, and realised she was still asleep. So she dreamed of me, and I dreamed of her, huh? Nice.

I slowly climbed out of the bush, careful not to make too much noise or any stubborn movements. I tiptoed up to her, and knelt beside her, examining the tiny wounds marking her porcelain-like skin. There were a few scratches, a bruise or two, but that was about it. That’s when I noticed, her left hand was curled around her right, which was balled into a fist. I slowly unwound her left hand from her right, then unballed her fist. I gasped at the symbol on her palm; the outline of a dragon. It looked ill, but when I touched it, the dragon immediately looked better. What was this? I pressed my palm to hers, and the symbol began to glow, softly, then brighter and brighter, before becoming blinding. I shut my eyes, and the glow became even brighter, before disappearing. I lifted my palm off hers, to see the dragon on her palm was now gone. “Natsu? Is that you?”, Aki opened her red eyes, and looked at me, before looking at her palm. “What? The mark’s gone!”

“Yeah, I saw that. What was it?”, I asked her, helping her sit up.

“It’s a female dragon thing. It appears when they’ve found their mate, and only their mate can remove it.”, She looked at me, and blushed. “But, the mate can only remove it if they realize their feelings for the female.”, Aki blushed harder.

“I think this is a case of the girl being slow.”,I chuckled into her ear, before kissing her cheek. Well, I aimed for her cheek, but she turned to say something and, um, yeah, that happened. I found my lips on hers, and before I fully understood what happened, my hands were in her hair, pulling Aki closer. Her hands flitted down my chest, dancing along my stomach before curling around my shirt, leaving no space between us. I felt a strange presence over us, and swiftly pulled away. “There’s someone watching us.”, I growled softly, so only she could hear.

“NATSUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!”, Out of nowhere, Happy tackled me to the ground, his blue fur all that I could see.

“Happy! What the hell?”, I grunted, getting up. Aki was looking at us, laughing.

“Happy, what’s wrong?”, He asked the Exceed, who glared at her.

“Don’t hurt Natsu!”, He yelled, holding on tighter.”Natsu, let’s go, she’s mean!”

“Happy! Aki isn’t-”, I started, but Aki held up her hand.

“It’s alright Natsu, let him believe what he wants.”, She smiled, getting up. “At least I’ll live now.”


“Yeah, if the mate doesn’t own up within 5 days, the female dies. I was already dying, Natsu.”, She smiled at me, before beginning to pack away her things. If I was a second later, she mightn’t be alive. The thought made me shiver, and my heart ached.

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