Chapter 19

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I still don't know what happened to Aurelie... Here's the chapter. Here, someone get's hurt...


Aurelie's P.O.V.

I ran up the stairs, everyone else close behind, and emerged into a battlefield. People had already lost their lives; Igneel, Metallicana, Wendy and Zeref, their bodies sprawled on the floor. The rest of us were fighting the Sirens, all four of them. Elfman, Natsu and the Raijinshuu were fighting the half-mad Lisanna, who was using her excelled Take-Over magic to block all sorts of attacks. Mira and Aki ran to help them, their magic already beginning to start. Ultear was fighting Gray, Lyon, Aquadea, Gajeel and Ur; Levy, Juvia and Ishi went to help them with the crazy princess.

Sherry was fighting Jellal, Erza, Mystogan and Mavis; Mariko ran to their aid. That left Karin, who was fighting Loke, Grandine and Makarov, and soon myself, when I took my place at Loke's side.

"Aurelie! Get out of here!", He snarled as I requipped into my Purgatory Armor.

"No way.", I deflected one of Karin's attacks, and sent a few of my own, which broke her defense. "Now, grandine!"

The blue-haired dragon nodded sharply and yelled,"Roar of the Sky Dragon!", Karin was sent flying a few meters back. She got up and attacked, but by that time, Grandine had already used support magic.

"Thankyou my dear.", Makarov smiled, all Grandine did was blink.

"Damn you, damn you all to the fiery pits of hell!", Karin screamed, and she took out her whip as well as her pen. "Ecriture of Darkness: Pain! Fear! Suffering!", We had to dodge both attacks, the deadly runes and poison-tipped whip which snapped at our ankles. I heard a scream, and watched from the corner of my eye as Aki went sailing into a wall, and I heard bones snap over the noise.

"Aki! Damn you bitch!", Natsu yelled, his hands lighting up.


Natsu's P.O.V.

I charged at Lisanna, and my Talon of the Fire Dragon connected with her stomach, the scales flaked off and the skin underneath burnt. She growled at me, fangs bared, and used her Take-Over Animal Soul to claw my back, the nails cutting into my flesh. I hissed as I grabbed her leg and lit my hand, fury fueling my attacks, which kept coming and coming. I forced her to the edge of the roof, and Lisanna's now-human feet were perfectly balanced. "Give up while you're still alive, Lisanna.", I growled at her, but she laughed.

"That's ironic, coming from you.", She cackled, lunging for my throat, fangs bared. I ducked and gave her a well-aimed kick to the leg, and I heard the bone snap and pop out.

"Shit.", Lisanna looked at her leg; the knee had fallen out of her leg, and the bones were in pieces, some of the sharp points sticking out. "Beginner's luck, Natsu.", My eyes moved from her leg to her face, which was full of hate. Gone was her childhood innocence, to be replaced by pure, destructive evil. My best friend was dead, replaced by a monster.

"Come at me.", I dared, my fangs glinting in the sunlight.

"Get ready.", Suddenly, I was tackled to the ground, Lisanna's accented strength more than that of a dragon's. Her clawed hand was raised, and I waited for the end. Instead, I got the smell of charred seafood in my face, and I opened my eyes to see Aki kick Lisanna off me, and Lisanna was the source of the seafood-y smell. Aki had used a Fire Dragon Roar on her, and more of the scales and her skin had been burnt clean off, revealing the pink of the not-quite-ready skin underneath. Aki clawed at Lisanna's face, and her dragon claws left three long, deep lines on the right side, disfiguring the white-haired girl's eye and mouth.

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