Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! This is gonna be sweet, I almost got a cavity writing this! XD

Gajeel: It's me and Levy isn't it.

Me: Nope *crosses fingers*

Gajeel: *glare*


Levy's P.O.V.

I followed Gajeel to his room, listening to every sound, waiting for someone to pounce. Four attacks in a  day, and all the powerful wizards, but what do they have in common? Aurelie was attacked by Karin, Loke's ex-girlfriend, Mariko and Ishi got affected by Ultear, Lyon's sister, and Aki fought with Lisanna, Mira's little sister. How do they all fit?

"Oi, Shrimp! You gonna stand out there all night?", Gajeel called from his room. I looked up to see Pantherlily holding the door for me. I smiled and patted his black head as I walked inside, immediately heading for the bare bookshelf near my bed. I dragged my fingers on the spines, feeling the soft, subtle leather of worn bonds, wearing away after years of use. I picked up a familiar novel, a collection of fairy tales, and opened it to my favorite; Beauty and the Beast.

My eyes scanned the page, taking in the familiar words. Soon, I was sucked into the story, walking with Beauty in the Beast's castle. It was getting to my favorite bit, Beauty was going to find out about the rose. I tensed in apprehension, and laughed when it happened. "What's wrong with you?", Gajeel asked, looking at me like I was a weirdo.

"Fun bit.", I told him.

"Ah. What happened?"

"Heroine pissed off the hero."

"That was fun?"

"His reaction was priceless."



"What was it like?"

"It was like this.", I pulled a face and shrieked,  and Gajeel chuckled. 

"Very funny.", He smiled, bearing the fangs that had startled me on my first night.


I was lying stomach down on my bed, nose buried deep in "The Lord Of The Rings.", I was up to an epic battle when Gajeel called my name."Oi, Shrimp, come see this!"

I looked up at Gajeel, and realised that his nose was touching mine, eyes a bright red, and fangs bared. "KYAAAAAAAAAA!!", I squealed, crawling back.

"HA! Scared you!", He laughed."You should've seen your face!"

I glared at him."Not funny."

"It was and you know it."

*Flashback ends*

"I know.", I smirked back.

"Hey, do you think this is gonna stop?", His question startled me, but i knew what he meant.

"I'm not sure.", I sat up and faced him, his pierced face was full of worry and he was frowning.

"This doesn't sound good."

"I know, it's not that safe anymore.", I agreed, getting up and sitting beside him, book discarded. "We need to stick together."

"I hope we stick together long after this is over.", He smiled, looking at me. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I blushed under his gaze. "I like you, I want to know more about you.", I like that idea. But is has to wait for another day, I glanced at the clock.

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