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The November sun gave way to the billowing clouds and soon after large downy flakes began to fall in Lima - more precisely - into the Hummels' front yard. That is what Blaine focused on as he stared out the window of Kurt's room while he held the boy against his chest and waited for him to finish crying. They had been in this position for Blaine didn't know how long - long enough for Kurt's words to sink in and long enough for Blaine to make up his mind that it didn't matter what Kurt had or didn't have as long as Kurt loved him and he loved Kurt. Blaine's hand caressed the back of his head, soothingly. His voice murmured into his ear, softly. "I love you just the same my gorgeous boy. I told you nothing can change the way I feel about you."

It took a few minutes but eventually Kurt's crying subsided into sporadic hiccups. And although he was grateful that Blaine hadn't walked out on him - and actually went as far as to hold him and rock him - he was confused as to why Blaine was still there. Why wasn't Blaine repulsed?

"D-did you hear me? Did you under-s-stand what I said," Kurt asked shyly.

Blaine pressed gently against Kurt's shoulders making him sit up so that he could look into his eyes. Blaine needed for Kurt to see his eyes. "I'm being beyond serious when I say this, Kurt. I heard you loud and clear and I understand fully."

Kurt dropped his gaze. "Are you just being nice and waiting until I've stopped crying to make your escape?"

"Hey. That isn't fair, Kurt. I realize now that you've been very anxious about how I would take this and rightfully so. Not everyone would be okay with this news but I have to tell you I'm still here because I want to be. I'm still here because I care about you," Blaine paused to tilt Kurt's chin with a finger, searching his blue gaze again, "And I'm still here because in spite of your female parts - and because of them - I love you with all my heart."

Kurt didn't know what to say. He simply looked into Blaine like he had personally hung the moon and stars just for him.

"I have to admit I was a little shocked at first. It's not common as you know and it's not every day your boyfriend tells you something like that," Blaine added, having deliberately used the word boyfriend. "But the shock only lasted for a couple minutes because you know what..."

Kurt shrugged as he watched Blaine's expression with wide blue eyes.

"Because immense love took over - it was like a warm blanket spread across my body and I realized that it doesn't matter what you have or what you don't have. The thing that turns me on about you is the same thing that makes me love you - and that is your soul, Kurt."

Kurt was sobbing again, but this time his sobs weren't fueled by anxiety and doom - they were fueled by gratitude and love. Love for Blaine, his boyfriend.

"So as long as you are comfortable with it, I am comfortable with it," Blaine smiled genuinely at him and pressed a kiss to his forehead, then his nose, then his lips before resting their foreheads together and whispering, "and do you want to know a secret, my gorgeous boy?"

Kurt blushed at Blaine's tone of voice as he murmured a shy "yes" against his lips.

Blaine's index finger trailed subtly along Kurt's clavicle as he took his time with his next words, "knowing that this gorgeous boy of mine is carrying a beautiful pussy inside those sinfully tight jeans makes my mind race with unmentionable thoughts and makes my cock grow painfully hard in my pants." Blaine lapped a kiss to Kurt's lips and moaned against them.

Fire. Kurt's entire body was suddenly on fire. He lost himself in Blaine's words. All he could think about was how hard his heart was beating, how high his soul was soaring, and how wet his pussy, as Blaine had called it, was getting. Then he felt it. He felt Blaine surge forward capturing more of his mouth, his tongue driving deeply into him, kissing with hunger, taking him while he moaned and whimpered. And when he slipped a hand beneath Blaine's sweater, trailing up to rub at his nipple, Kurt knew that he was on the right track because Blaine's moan was feral and long and throaty.

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