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They leave the Lima Bean in complete silence.

The ride to Kurt's house is in complete silence.

They exit the car and walk into the Hudmel household in complete silence. Blaine steps inside, trailing behind Kurt, and closes the door behind him softly. Then he freezes, looking down sheepishly at his feet.

"You're mad," he whispers. There is no question involved.

Kurt stares at him for a moment before walking towards the stairs. He steps onto the first step and then turns, raising a single finger towards Blaine and beckoning him to follow.

Blaine swallows. Silence - at least this much of it - is never good. Not wanting to disappoint him any further, he walks behind him, following Kurt all the way up to his room.

Where Kurt locks the door.

Burt has a rule - the door stays open. But they're home alone. They're home alone, and Kurt is angry, and so the house rules have fallen to the wayside.

There's a tense silence. Blaine is just willing Kurt to say something, but he just stares Blaine down until he's squirming awkwardly in his shoes.

"I'm sorry," he mumbles, toeing the carpet nervously. "Please talk."

Kurt takes a step towards him. "Do you understand why I'm mad at you, baby?"

Blaine inhales sharply. So they are doing this. He falls into his role as naturally as breathing, though. "Yes, Daddy."

"Tell me."

"I - I gave Sebastian our songs," he says, his voice small.

Kurt steps closer to him, and for a moment, some small part of Blaine thinks that maybe - just maybe, he can hope - Kurt was going to hug him and tell him everything was okay.

But he doesn't. Of course he doesn't. He moves to sit on the edge of his bed, walking around Blaine without touching him. After a second, Blaine takes a step forward, moving to come sit by him, but Kurt holds up a hand to stop him.

"No. Stay there."

Blaine clenches his eyes shut, but steps back to where he was. Kurt's left him standing in the middle of the room, and from where he's sitting and looking up at him, Blaine feels completely on display.

"Giving Sebastian our songs was a very bad thing, baby. You've made all of Daddy's friends very upset too. But that's not all you did bad, is it?"

Wringing his hands anxiously in front of him, Blaine shakes his head.

"Sweater off," comes the next command.

In one swift movement, Blaine pulls the heavy striped sweater over his head, leaving him standing just in his undershirt, jeans, and shoes. A slight shiver runs through him, and he isn't sure if it's from the sudden cool air on his skin or nerves - or both.

"Why else am I disappointed in you, sweetheart?" The endearment is sweet - one they commonly use in place of baby - but Kurt's voice is so very cool still. Blaine flinches.

He disappointed his Daddy. That enough is enough to make his eyes well up.

Blaine clears his throat before he speaks again. "'Cause I talked to him without permission."

Kurt hums in agreeance. "Mhmm. And why is that bad?"

He mumbles out his answer, his eyes never leaving the floor.

"What was that? I didn't hear you. Speak like a big boy."

"I said 'I don't know,' Daddy."

Kurt regards him carefully, like he's trying to decide what his next step should be - what course of action he should take to punish him. Every passing second makes Blaine more nervous. Every moment Kurt spends making Blaine wonder just what is going on in his mind is one that leaves him fidgeting, restless, scared.

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