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Warnings: This is dirty, filthy, messy sex. And by that I mean comeplay. And I don't want to spoil further but if you need to talk to me about what I mean so you're sure you want to read it, drop me a line and I'll give you a full set of warnings. Also: very brief mentions of some squicky stuff. But it's mentioned in passing and not actually done. Oh god, just read it: it's everything I've ever threatened to write.

A/N: This took me a few days to get out and I've blathered a lot about it on tumblr. I haven't written long, intense porn for a few months, content to write shorter one shots that are sweeter and fluffier. This is still a very happy fic but it's dirty. And very, very overly-long and wordy. The sex is a bit unrealistic, I know, I don't care. It's fiction and they're both sexgods in my mind so they can pull this off. Thank you so much to everyone who responded to my talking in circles on tumblr and to everyone who offered to read over it. Especially mallory and sam who read various bits and put up with tumblr and email eating everything because (I suspect) my use of the word 'cock' over and over makes everything I write look like spam.

So thank you everyone. I'm going to go and pray for my soul about now. Enjoy it? Maybe?


"What's the dirtiest sex fantasy you have? "

Kurt pulls back from the lingering press of mouths to skin immediately. Up on his elbows, over his boyfriend, staring, just a little wide-eyed. "What?"

Under him, Blaine blushes and smiles. "You heard me," he whispers.

"This is really something you want to talk about? Now?" Because they could still be making out. Blaine's mouth on his neck, his own lips drifting back and forth across Blaine's temple as their hands continue to edge under clothes and their hips continued to take advantage of gravity and friction and enjoy each other.


Kurt kisses him again, pressing his lips down hard and then drawing back, temping Blaine's mouth up to his and sliding his tongue inside.

"Not gonna tell me?" Blaine wonders aloud.

Kurt groans something displeased and rocks his hips, contemplating rolling away and pushing his clothes off quickly to distract.

"But you'll want to try one day," Blaine continues. "Whatever it is, you'll want to try it." With me. You'll have to tell me.

Distraction sounds good so Kurt's spreading his legs and sitting up across Blaine's lap, tugging his shirt over his head in one smooth, seductive move. "I don't know," he answers, aiming for disinterest. Except he does know. He knows everything he's been thinking in the year and a half since they started dating. The almost-year since they started having sex.

Blaine almost sounds hurt when his fingers start tugging at the buttons of Kurt's jeans, "You don't think you'll ever tell me?"

Kurt squeezes his eyes shut and rocks his hips once more. The deepest, darkest fantasy flashes across the inside of his eyelids. He can feel it and taste it, it seems so real. "I can't imagine-"

Voice dying, Blaine is grabbing his wrists and pulling him down, kissing him and then pushing him back, saying fiercely, "One day I'm going to know all of your secrets." He waits for Kurt to object but he stays quiet because that's what he wants. Blaine keeps going: "I'm going to be able to play your body with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back." He swallows and his gaze lingers only a second longer before his eyes dip away.

Kurt tries to sound scandalized but it's too breathless and low, "Blaine!"

Blaine grins and pulls him back in for another kiss. "What?"

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