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I enjoy Klaine. (Kurt/Blaine slash) That is my only plea to the coming slash fest. I hope you like it and please review or favorite it or whatever! Thanks! This is a one-shot! Though I wish I did, I don't own any part of Glee! I'm pretending that for this story, Kurt and Blaine (both gay but currently in the show are not bf/bf) are actually bf/bf. SLASH! Don't read if you don't like...if you do like, keep reading! xD

Blaine currently held his weight over Kurt as the two embraced on Blaine's mattress. Both had their eyes closed as Kurt wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, trying to pull him even closer. His face was flushed from lack of air but he refused to stop for even a moment. Blaine noticed his distress and pulled away.

He laid next to him as Kurt whispered, "No, don't stop." He tried to bring their faces back together but instead Blaine chuckled and stroked his fingers along Kurt's jawline.

"I love making out with you, but how are we supposed to have sex if you're passed out," he joked.

Kurt's ragged breathing stopped short and he stared into his love's brown eyes.

"Don't joke about that again," Kurt sighed.

"I'm not."

Kurt propped himself up on his elbows and stared at their uniform blazers on the back of their desk chair.

"You said something like that last time. I thought that me moving into your dorm room would change your thoughts about how far you want to go, but apparently they didn't," Kurt said a bit agitated.

"Kurt, I still wasn't sure the first time, I'm sorry. Why can't you just forgive me already?"

Kurt sat up all the way now and replied, "We were kissing on your bed just like last time and I thought that you taking your shirt off was the signal that you wanted to do it."

"I'm sorry sweetheart, that was my fault," Blaine apologized and rubbed his large hands up and down Kurt's arms.

Kurt looked back at Blaine's face and smiled a bit. "I suppose I'll know if you're ready if I can put my hands down your pants and you not scream like a girl again."

Blaine used one hand to cover his own face in embarrassment as he remembered a week ago. Kurt was able to move into his dorm and they were getting hot on his bed. Kurt reached down between them to fondle Blaine's crotch but Blaine got nervous and told him to stop (in a rather squeaky voice). This time he planned on it going differently.

Kurt brushed Blaine's hands off his arms and stood up. He looked absently into the round mirror on the wall and ran his fingers through his hair, messing up his perfectly combed style; a rare act that very few saw.

Very quietly, Blaine stood behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around his waist. The black haired boy began trailing small kisses against Kurt's neck and then slid his hand down Kurt's stomach and down into his pants, gripping onto his dick. Kurt inhaled sharply as blood rushed to his waist and that welcome burden became known.

Blaine watched Kurt's face in the mirror because he was behind him. Kurt's chest heaved a bit in ecstasy as Blaine moved his hand up and down, squeezing a bit at the base.

He loved watching Kurt get hot. He knew that he had given Kurt boners before (as Kurt did to him) but he never had the courage to do anything about it. Once during an intense make out while watching Moulin Rouge, he knew without a doubt that Kurt had a boner, he could see it through his casual sweats, but Blaine excused himself to the bathroom for a few minutes so Kurt could cool down.

Coming back to the present and kicking himself for not doing this sooner, Blaine increased the friction. Kurt's member responded without any resistance whatsoever and rose quickly as any horny teenage boy's would. Already without much foreplay he was ready to come, but Blaine wanted this to last longer. He pinched the head of Kurt's dick so that the painful yet arousing feeling would keep him somewhat stable for a few more moments. Being a man as well, Blaine knew exactly what to do...

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