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"Kurt, it doesn't hurt when I sit down."

"You want it to?"

It's the morning of New Year's Eve, and Kurt and Blaine are sitting on Blaine's bed, ostensibly rereading all the 2011 issues of Vogue, but mostly kissing and playing footsy.

Blaine feels his cheeks flush, as much from arousal as embarrassment. "I told you I want to feel it the next day." Blaine whispers the words like a closely guarded secret.

"We did it twice yesterday." Kurt bites his lower lip. "And we went at it pretty hard. Are you honestly telling me you can't feel it? I feel it."

"I can feel it when I think about it. But it's not, like, constantly overwhelming."

"Sweetheart." Kurt sets his magazine in his lap and takes Blaine's hand. "As romantic as that sounds, I think if it's overwhelming it means I injured you. I'm not really sure that's the best way to show you that I love you." He gives Blaine a minxish look and lowers his voice to a groin-churning timbre. "Also, it would kind of prevent me from fucking you again for a while. We wouldn't want that."

Fucking. They've only recently started using this word to describe what the two of them do together. Blaine can't get over how intimate it sounds on Kurt's lips.

Blaine looks down at their joined hands. "I just - I want to feel it a little more, Kurt. It's been so nice to spend all this time together over winter break and I want - when we get back to school on Monday - I want to be able to feel you all day. When I sit or stand or walk."

"My heart is already with you all the time, Blaine."

"I know. It would just be nice to have a ... physical reminder."

Kurt smiles, crow's feet gathering at the edges of his eyes. "Like when you stroke me without lube and my skin feels a little tender afterward?"

Blaine glances up into Kurt's eyes, then down at his lips, then back to his eyes.

"Do you like that?"

Kurt nods. "I do."

"Yes, then," Blaine says. "Like that."

"I like ... fucking you," Kurt says, his smile a strange, awesome mixture of coy, bashful and proud. "Like we did yesterday."

"Me, too."

"But I also love your ass and I really don't want to injure it. It's been pretty good to us both."

Blaine's chest warms with the praise. He climbs on top of Kurt, straddling his hips, but doesn't lean in close enough for Kurt to feel his hard-on. Kurt looks down there, though, and Blaine is fairly pleased at the way his pants stretch tight over it, leaving little for Kurt to guess at.

"So ..." Kurt looks up into Blaine's eyes. "How about I just fuck you so hard that your thighs cramp up and you have trouble sitting or walking from that?"

Blaine's pants grow tighter. "That would be nice. But I'm not sure I would cramp up? I'm pretty flexible."

Kurt snickers and rubs his nose against Blaine's. "I've noticed that about you." He leans back against the headboard and gazes into Blaine's eyes for a long moment. "So ..."


"You want to feel it when you're sitting down?"


"Well ... what about hickeys?"

The last time Kurt gave Blaine a really monster hickey was almost a month ago, and it took a week before the bruise on the side of Blaine's hip went away. When he walked between classes, his messenger bag would rub against the spot and it throbbed like a flame, words burning into his skin: I love you, Blaine. You belong to me.

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