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Kurt entered the cabana house that belonged to Andrew Sullivan, if Sue Sylvester was the be believed-Kurt didn't think she was but he wasn't going to complain because she had given Blaine and him a free trip for their honeymoon. They had extended their honeymoon, knowing that a mere weekend wasn't going to be enough.

The entire trip had been a flurry of emotions, romance and rediscovering one another. Not only were they newlyweds, they had also just gotten back together again after being apart for over six long painful months. It was inevitable that the moment they had an extended period of time alone together with no distractions, they would spent a lot of it in bed together.

Blaine followed Kurt into the living area and back towards the bedroom. Dinner had been amazing but it was time for them to settle in for the night, make love for either the second or third time that day, and then prepare for the next day's activities.

But Kurt could tell tonight would be different from previous nights. There had been something...different about Blaine during dinner. From the way he kept his gaze level and heated as he looked at Kurt, tossing glares at any other man who dared look his way. The intensity of Blaine's eyes on him during dinner had left Kurt eager to see what was in store later that night.

Kurt set the key to the cabana house on the dresser so they could keep track of it. He went to unbutton his jacket but felt Blaine's gaze burning into his back. He took a deep breath and smiled to himself. He glanced in the mirror to see Blaine still near the bedroom door, his eyes on his backside.

Kurt knew the look on Blaine's face. His dark eyes, slack jaw, deep breaths. Kurt's cock twitched in response. He couldn't help the overwhelming arousal sweeping over him as he watched his husband--his husband! Several days later and he still wasn't used to being able to call Blaine his husband now--lick his lips, eyes moving up and down Kurt's body.

He did the same to the reflection of Blaine in the mirror. Blaine looked amazing in a suit, especially one that fit his body perfectly. And Blaine had a gorgeous body as far as Kurt was concerned. He was small and compact, sure, but underneath that lay a strength that could make his knees turn to jelly. His thighs were nothing but pure muscle and his ass was glorious...

Kurt turned around and gave his husband a smirk. He lifted an eyebrow and played coy. "What?"

Blaine said nothing. He returned Kurt's smirk and slowly stalked towards him. Kurt waited, his body humming in anticipation. Yes, they had made love earlier that day, slow and sweet love that left him satiated, but now Kurt wanted something more...something intense, that left him feeling it for hours after. He could never tire of feeling Blaine's body against his.

Once Blaine reached him, he grabbed Kurt's face and pulled him down for a kiss.

Kurt leaned into Blaine, allowing him to deepen it as he pushed his tongue past the seal of Kurt's lips. Kurt moved his hands up Blaine's arms, linking his hands behind his neck, holding him close. As the kiss continued, Blaine grabbed a hold of Kurt's waist and urged him to move backward. Kurt gave a sharp gasp when his back hit the wall, pulling away from the kiss.

Blaine's hands went to Kurt's tie, rushing to remove it. Kurt did the same to his, expertly undoing the bowtie knot and throwing it on the floor. Their jackets came next, tossed to the side.

Free of the barrier on his neck, Blaine latched his lips onto Kurt's neck, nipping and sucking the sensitive skin there. Kurt moaned. He knew Blaine was going to leave marks on his skin but he didn't care. They were newlyweds after all; if they wanted to pleasure one another, then that was their business.

Blaine rolled his hips against Kurt. Kurt cried out his name. He could already feel how hard Blaine was, his cock pressing against his, sending shockwaves of arousal through his body. Kurt's cock had grown hard under Blaine's gaze and now throbbed as he rocked his hips into his.

Klaine Smut Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora