what's nine plus ten

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twenty one

♦︎ Richie ♦︎

Almost immediately after Jessie dropped me off I realized my mistake. I knew that Calum would try and pull some stupid move on her, and I wouldn't be there to stop him.

No. Don't go running back to her. All you do is run back to her. Let her miss you, Richie. Make her come running back to you.

I ignored my instincts, nearly sprinting out my front door and leaping onto my bike. Petting fast, I parked my bike outside of her house, going up to knock on the door.

I couldn't quite bring myself to knock on the wood.

Knowing Jessie and Calum were the only ones inside, I opened the front door, hoping I would be able to apologize to Jessie for being a douchebag.

I heard muffled noises from her kitchen and moved towards it, quickly realizing the sounds I was hearing weren't the sounds of a friendly conversation.

I walked into the doorway, staring blankly at the sight in front of me. Shock didn't course through me. Pain and anger didn't rush through my veins.

I couldn't feel at all.

All I could do was watch as her hands tangled in his hair, his mouth gliding down her jaw. She was sitting on the island, him standing in between her legs, his hands holding securely onto her hips.

Jessie's beautiful eyes fluttered open, settling themselves down on myself, standing in the doorway. Her plump lips formed a perfect O as she gasped slightly in shock. Calum realized that she wasn't paying any attention anymore and turned around before making eye contact with me, a smirk toying on his swollen lips.

His lips that were swollen from kissing my Jessie.

He murmured a few words to me, but I couldn't make them out over the deafening sound of my pounding head.

Calum turned to Jessie once more, his lips reattaching with her neck, obviously trying to leave some kind of evidence on her skin that he had been there.

All of my emotions flooded back into me.

Rage courses through my veins as I let out a low growl, my eyes burning into the back off Mister Australia's head.

"Get. Your fucking hands. Off. Of my girl."

Calum's head swirled back around to meet my gaze. "Your girl??" His eyes boggled. "Oh my gosh I'm so fucking sorry, dude. I asked her if you two were together and she said no, and she was kissing back so I assumed you were out of the picture. I honestly didn't know you two were together." His apologies were rushed and Jessie looked emotionless, her eyes looking at nothing but me.

In any other situation I would have make a comment about how it was rude to stare, but I couldn't think about that as my last shred of hope floated out of my body.

My eyes flicked back around to Jessie quickly before I looked back to Calum angrily.


He nodded before shuffling towards Jessie's front door and pulling it closed behind him.

Jessie unfroze blinking slowly towards me. I wanted to be angry at her for kissing another guy, but she was never mine to get angry about in the first place. I wanted to be sad because she didn't like me back, but that wasn't fair to her either. It wasn't her fault.

"Your girl." she repeated softly, barely audible.

I couldn't talk to her right now. I had to clear my head.

Turning on my heel to leave, Jessie hopped off the island, grabbing my wrist and whirling me around.

"What do you mean your girl?" she asked, her voice low, almost cautious.

I scoffed, removing my wrist from her grasp, beginning to move away from Jessie again. If I stayed near her any longer I would end up saying something I regretted.

"I asked you a damn question, Richie." Jessie said sternly, whirling me around once more.

"What do I mean?" I could feel the bitter harshness in my voice as I brought my fingers up to my temple, shaking my head.

"What the fuck do you think I mean, Jessie? What the fuck does my girl mean to you, because I'm pretty damn positive what it means to me."

Jessie furrowed her brow in frustration, "well I'm honestly not sure with you! First you get moody and fucking ignore me for almost a month, then you go and become a grouch all day then come in here and kick Calum out claiming that I'm your girl!? Do you mean that as a brotherly sort of thing where you don't like seeing other guys kissing me or is it-"

I shook my head, unable to hold anything back anymore. She would find out at some point, so there was no point trying to keep secrets. Jessie always found a way of figuring things out.

I sighed, trying to keep my voice calm, but it came out stern.

"I mean I want to be with you Jessie! I want to do all that horrible boyfriend shit with you! I want to hold you when you cry and kiss you in the dark." My eyes locked with hers as I reached my hands up to her soft cheeks, cupping her face.

"I want to kiss you all the fucking time, Jessie."

We stood there for a moment, neither of us speaking.

Jessie's voice sounded weak and groggy when she softly uttered the words.

"Do you think I don't want to hold you when you hurt and tell you you'll be okay? Do you think I don't want you to sneak in every night and lay in my bed with me while your head rests on my chest? Do you think I don't want you to fucking kiss me all the damn time?"

She pulled herself away from me slightly, I groped the air where she once stood.

"I don't know if I can trust you, Richie. I don't know if I can trust my feelings and all of this fucking shit. I don't like feeling, and all you do is make me feel. And I don't know why the fuck you do half the things you do. I need some time, all right? Please?"

I looked her in the eye as she continued to back away. Nodding once solemnly.

"I'll wait as long as you need, baby."



This chapter was either really good or absolutely terrible and rushed and idk which it is.

I hope you're having a good day that's all bye

-copperwise xx

cherry bomb ➵ Richie TozierTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang