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Cherry Bomb - The Runaways


"My daughter isn't a thief, sir," my father said patiently to the principal. "She's very well behaved, gets good grades, and is kind to everyone. I'm not even sure why you would suspect she stole this young lady's necklace."

My eyes flicked to a weeping Greta. She had no proof it was me. She had no form of proof I took her necklace. It was only a claim. Not even an educated guess. Just a claim.

Father was giving Principal Wiseman a stern talking to. I watched as he skunk back into his desk chair.

"I-I'm sorry sir. Greta claimed to have seen your daughter, Jessica, steal her necklace. It was only fair to bring you and your lovely wife, Mrs. Asher, into my office."

My father raised his eyebrows, "let's not forget who pays a great deal of money to this school, Gregory."

Principal Wiseman nodded, an apologetic look on his face, "I'm sorry again for bothering you, Mr. and Mrs. Asher. Jessica obviously didn't steal Greta's necklace."

Greta's mother spoke up, "that's not fair! Just because the Asher's have money you're going to let their daughter off the hook!?"

"Greta has no proof I did it!" I exclaimed, angry with Greta's mother.

"Where's your daughter's proof? As far as I can tell this is a false accusation," my mother spoke up.

Her blonde curls resembled mine, but hers were more calm. More controlled.

Everyone looked at Greta, "I don't have any proof but I know it was her! Check her pockets or something!"

The adult's eyes turned to me, "you can feel me up and down. You won't find anything. I'm innocent," I said calmly.

My father stood up, "I think we're done here."

The principal nodded, "I believe Mr. Asher is correct. You have no proof Jessica took her necklace. Maybe she just misplaced it."

I walked out of the office, closely followed by my parents. A smirk developed on my pale face as I pushed through the front door, the late winter air blowing through my long blonde girls.

My father opened the car door for me, a disapproving look on his face. I crawled into the back seat and stuck my hands in my pockets, looking out the window.

"Jessica," my dad said, a scowl on his business man face. I looked at him through the rear view mirror, meeting his cold eyes with my equally stubborn ones.

"I can't keep covering for you. You need to do the right thing in the first place."

I rolled my eyes, "I didn't steal her necklace, Dad."

My father scoffed, "of course you didn't," he said sarcastically.

I sighed, sliding down in my seat.

We arrived at our house and I quickly opened the car door, slamming it behind me and fast walking into the house.

"Jessica!" my dad called, "Jessica we aren't done talking about this!"

I huffed up the stairs and into my bedroom, locking the door behind me.

Feeling around in my pocket, I found the item I was searching for: a gold chain with a small pendant of a cherry on it. I smiled at the necklace and latched it around my neck, observing myself in the mirror.

My mischievous, hazel green eyes stared back at me.

A knock came from my locked bedroom door.

"What," I asked.

cherry bomb ➵ Richie Tozierحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن