twenty three

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♦︎ Richie ♦︎

That's fucking right.

I. I. Kissed Jessie Asher. I kissed her long, and I kissed her hard.

And holy fuck was she an amazing kisser.

I didn't know what it made us, but whatever we were, I wanted her to be all mine. I wanted to rub it in everyone's faces that I was the one to finally get my hands on Jessie Asher. I wasn't sure why she picked me of all people, but she seemed to like me, and God knew how much I liked her.

The bell rang, signaling the ending of our final period as I swung my backpack over my shoulder and headed towards the door.

I scanned my eyes around the hallways, searching for her. Instead, I was met by a very impatient looking Eddie.

"Hey Eds," I said calmly. He let out a big puff of air before placing his hands on his hips.

"Richie I've been talking to you for the past thirty seconds. Have you even been listening at all?"

I shook my head, unfazed by his anger. "Nope."

"What's up with you today? Ever since Jessie took you out of the cafeteria during lunch, you've been acting..."

Eddie's eyes widened as he connected the pieces together.

"Did you two fuck!?" He whisper-yelled, his hushed tone urgent.

"I fucking wish," I muttered back to him as we began to walk to the front of the school.

I finally spotted Jessie. Her blonde ponytail high and oh-so-beautiful smile out and flashing for the world to see. My chest tingled at the thought of her smiling like that at me.

She was whispering lightly with Allie at her locker, her hazel green flickering around occasionally to make sure nobody was paying attention to what they said.

Allie flipped her long brown hair over her shoulder and bit down on her plump lip softly, seemingly contemplating something Jessie had said.

I wondered what Jessie said.

"So you didn't fuck. Did you two just make out then? What the fuck are you staring at, Richie? Oh. Never mind. You're staring at her. Can you stop doing that for like two seconds and fucking listen to what I'm saying!?" Eddie's words were rushed and rambled together, and I just chuckled.

"Yes. We made out. And no. I won't stop staring at her. You have absolutely no room to talk. Have you ever seen yourself around Brandy?"

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"That's different. I don't have a chance with her."

"A chance with who?" A voice chimes in from behind us. I jumped at the sudden arrival of our friend.

Eddie turned beat red, scratching the back of his neck. "No one, B. Don't worry about it."

I smirked as Eddie's eyes transfixed on her figure. He stared at her as if she was a goddess.

I had to admit, she was really hot. But not for me. She was Eddie's.

"Well," I began, nodding towards both of them, "I won't hold you two up. Talk to you later."

With that, I slipped out of the conversation and walked over towards Jessie and Allie.

Their Australian friend had joined their conversation, leaving Jessie a little bit on the outside of their couple-like relationship.

"Hey guys," I said as I approached them cautiously. Even though Jessie and I had obviously made up earlier that day, we had still been fighting before hand, and I didn't want to upset her.

Jessie eyed me, her breath catching slightly in her throat.

"Hey Rich."

Allie raised a suspicious eyebrow towards Jessie before nudging her forwards.

"Well, you two. Ash and I have to be somewhere, so we'll catch up with you later."

I wasn't paying much attention to Allie's words, but nodded anyway.

"So..." I began, trailing off.

Jessie let out a low chuckle. "So."

I took in a deep breath before letting out a wave of emotion.

"I know we just made up and shit, but I told you earlier that I really fucking like you. And I kind of want you to be my girlfriend really bad."

Her eyes widened, and I was scared I said something wrong.

"Oh gosh! You don't have to be my girlfriend if you don't want to! It was just a suggestion. I mean I'd like it a lot, but-"

"Shut up, Tozier."

She grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me down to her, kissing me gently on the lips before pulling away.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend you asshole." Jessie cooed into my ear.

I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers, a giant smirk plastered on my face.

"Well then I guess I'll have to be a good boyfriend and take you out on a date." I said smugly, a bit of cockiness in my voice.

Jessie giggled. "I guess you will."

I tugged on her arm, leading her towards the door of the school. I knew just where I was going to take her.

As we left the school and hopped into her car, I turned on her AC/DC mixtape and she rolled along the roads smoothly towards my house.

When we got to my house, I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek before leaning into her ear, my voice low.

"I guess I'll see you at eight for our date, hot stuff."


That was actually THE WORST chapter I've ever written ew. It was a filler but hEy at least I wrote a chapter?? I'm sorry it's been so long. I've kind of left this fandom and have been working out a lot of personal stuff, but I think I'll be a little better at updating.

cherry bomb ➵ Richie TozierWhere stories live. Discover now