Chapter 5

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My eyes flicker open slowly, sitting up on the sofa I run my hands through my loose hair. Grabbing the remote, I turn the tv off and lean my back against the sofa.

"Zeke?" I shout.

Then I look at the clock to see it's 4 in the morning. Turning around, I look at the front door and don't see Zeke's coat or his shoes. Standing up, I wander down the hallway and up the glass stairs. Walking down the corridor, I stop outside the door at the end. Pushing it open quietly, I look inside. Our bed is empty. No Zeke.

Strolling back down the stairs, I walk into the living room and sit on the sofa again. Suddenly, I hear the sound of tyre screeching and a deep rumble. Turning to face the front door, I grip the back of the sofa and leap over it as fast as possible.

Sprinting out of the front door, I take a second to process what's happening. Crashed into the stone pillar is the midnight black limited edition car I brought Zeke as an anniversary present. Sat in the drivers seat is Zeke, his head thrown backwards with blood trickling down his forehead. The windshield of the car is completely smashed, the air bag blown up in his damaged face.

Racing down the concrete stairs, I run to the car and open the drivers side door. I gently place my palm on Zeke's cheek, feeling blood already cover my skin. His eyes are loosely closed, his head drooping into my hand.

"Zeke? Zeke, can you hear me?" I question, panic rushing through me.

"Kicked out...not band." He mutters, the words slurring together and I can smell the alcohol on his breath.

"Damn it. You're such an idiot!" I curse.

Leaning over him, I unclip his seatbelt and push the air bag down. Slipping my arm around Zeke's waist, I take his full weight and swing his feet out of the car. Carefully, I help him onto his feet but he makes no attempt to walk. I half drag him to the house and carry him up the stairs. Leading him to the sofa, I place him on it.

"Call Captain now, Jarvis and keep ringing him until he answers. Put him on speaker." I demand.

Zeke starts to grumble under his breath, small cuts bleeding all over his face and a deep cut over his nose that gushes. Using my power, I lift my hand behind me, until I feel the towel fly into my open hand. I place it on Zeke's nose and he shouts out at me.

"Zeke, stop. It's okay. It's me, it's Skye." I point out.

He twists and turns, trying to get away from me. He kicks and punches, pushing me away and trying to curl into a ball.

"Skye? What's going on?" Captain asks, his voice filling the silent house.

"Zeke's crashed the car, he's drunk. I need to know what to do." I explain briefly.

"Keep his temperature up. Stop any big bleeding and try to keep him awake. I'm on my way."

"You can't call an ambulance, Cap. If you do, he'll go to jail for drink driving. I can't let that happen."

"I won't."

"Promise me."

"I promise."

The line goes dead and I look down at Zeke. He starts to try to take his jacket off, kicking and punching at me as I force him to keep it on. I wrap my hands around his, feeling his icy skin.

"Zeke, baby, no. You need to keep your clothes on, you're freezing cold." I argue.

"It burns, it's too hot. Skye, make it stop burning please." He begs.

Zeke turns his face to me, tears filling his eyes with desperation. I force myself to look away.

"I will." I whisper. "I want you tell me what happened."

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