Chapter 9

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Sitting up, I rub my eye with the back of my hand. The Iron Girl foot is on the desk beside me, the tools scattered next to it. Sighing, I lean back in my seat.

I'm already unwell

I've tried my best. I guess it just isn't good enough.

I wanted the best for my kids. I wanted to give them everything I never had when I was their age. Maybe I wasn't around enough, I didn't bond with them as much as I should have done.

One of my children refuses to talk to me. The other hides away, thinking they're ill.

Lucas isn't sick, he just needs help to see that. He is and always will be my baby boy, no matter what he does or becomes.

Hope will always be my baby girl with the bright blue eyes. I will always be proud of her, even if she does really dislike me right now.

Standing up, I wander upstairs and through the living room. Following around the corner, I walk up the glass stairs to our bedroom. I stop at the doorway when I hear a familiar sound that I haven't heard much recently, but it's more beautiful than I remember.

The guitar is wedged under his arm, his fingers dancing along the strings loosely. His eyes are closed, the concentration on his face.

"From the moment we met, I fell in love. From the moment we met, I visioned our kids. I want to teach you how to dance, to feel you against me." he sings.

I love the way his voice rises and falls with specific words. The sound fills the room and leaning against the doorframe, I smile.

The music stops suddenly and I blink a few times, Zeke looks me directly in the eyes. I grin and Zeke smirks.

"Wow, that was amazing." I whisper.

"I wrote it." he beams.

"I love it." I comment.

"Thanks." He mumbles, staring down at the floor.

"I'm sorry about last night."

"It's fine, Skye."

Stepping into our bedroom, I sit on the edge with my back to Zeke.

"I should have told you, I get that but I hate my past, I wish I could change it." I admit.

Suddenly, Zeke pushes down on my shoulders so I'm lying on my back with my head resting on his thighs. He looks down at me with confused eyes. Bright emerald. Forest green.

"The past is the past. I just feel like I don't know you anymore and you're always keeping secrets from me." He explains.

Lifting one hand, I trail my fingers down his neck.

"I only do it to protect you."

Zeke takes my hand from his cheek, kissing each of my fingers lightly.

"I know." He whispers.

"I wish there was another way."

"Me too."

Zeke leans forward, resting his forehead against mine. I let out one long, unsteady breath as I feel his hot skin on me. He presses his lips tight against mine, lifting a hand to cup my jaw. Zeke pushes back further until he's lying on top of me, planting kisses down my neck.

He trails his fingers down my arm and up underneath my t-shirt.

The heat and pressure gets too much. I can feel the build up in my body and I try to push Zeke away but he's not moving.

Suddenly, Zeke is on the floor and rubbing his hand. I feel my eyes turn cold and I instantly sit up. Zeke sits on the floor, his eyes fixed on me.

"Zeke? Are you alright? Dammit. I'm so sorry. I-I don't know what happened." I ramble.

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