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3rd POV

"Jungsen. Come on bud. You're gonna be late for school, ". "Coming daddy".

Its been 4 years. 4 years since that snob of a wife left her handsome husband and adorable son to somewhere else. Probably hell. To escape from the pain, he decided to leave Canada and go reside in some other country. Through these 4 years, he with his little chipmunk (as he likes to call him) went place to place, in search to find the perfect place.

They started from Italy, then to France then Spain and finally Australia. They lived in so many multi-diversed countries, that ultimately made them bilingual (well at least (m/n) but he decided to teach Jungsen French, which was an obvious fail. He was only 2 okay!). But something didn't feel right in any of those places, so they decided to try any Asian country, first destination being Seoul, south korea. And boy, they thought that place was heaven. And especially the food. Yeah..... Food.

Anyways you guys would've been bored by this information so let's get back to the plot.

Jungsen raced down the stairs towards the kitchen, where he saw his father making breakfast. The sweet smell of maple hit his nose like a truck. Shouting in glee, the energetic 4 year old rushed towards his father and hugged his legs.

"Pappaaaaaaa". (m/n) chuckled and picked up his son with his MUSCULAR arms. Yes I said muscular (he's a top goddamnit). He was now multitasking between handling his son and flipping a pancake.

"Ahh. My baby's awake. Come on finish your breakfast. We gotta hurry before you miss school", (m/n) said in loving tone. "Okay papa! ". After tin shiny their breakfast, the two caterpillars went to jungsen's school.

As (m/n) and Jungsen got out of the car, everyone had their normal routine.

GAWK at the man in front of them. No, seriously. Man or woman, everyone seemed to swoooon over the buff man in front of them.

Oblivious to those looks, (m/n) dropped his son in front of the main gate.

"Bye Jungsen!! , "he waving like a madman. Just as he was about to exit the gate, he bumped into a man. The man was no taller than 5"8, with dark brown hair. if compared, he was a tad bit shorter than (m/n).

"I'm sorry", the man muttered. He was about to walk away, but as soon as he saw the (m/n)'s face, his heart stopped. Never had he seen a man so beautiful. Well more beautiful than him. He took his time to scan the marvelous face.

"-ello! Hello ", he snapped from his trance and came back to his senses. "Is there something on my face "?, (m/n) asked.

"Huh, no". "Oh. Okay"

"I'm seokjin by the way. But just call me jin", the said man, jin said.

"I'm (m/n) ", (m/n) introduced.

"Haven't seen you around here before. Are you new"?
"Yeah I just moved in a couple of months ago near xxxx(just insert any address) ", (m/n) said.

"Oh I live nearby. We could maybe hang out sometime ", jin said.

(M/n) sensed some flirt in those words but smirked and replied, "alright".

Since jin came on foot, (m/n) offered a ride to him, to which he reluctantly agreed. Their talk on the car was just about the profession, family and what did they like in common.

During this whole talk, both did not even utter the word 'children'. (M/n) came to know that Jin was a model and worked for a sunrise company. Jin came to know that (m/n) was a professional baker and worked at a famous street.

"So we'll meet at 12:00 after work tomorrow. Its a lunch date okay.  Meet me at The Mocha. Ok?. Bye ", Jin said stepping out of the car.

"Kay. Bye",(m/n) replied.

(M/n) reached his home and started to get ready for his job at the bakery.

(M/n)'s POV

"Hey Jackson. " no reply. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Perfect and handsome Jackson". He emerges from the baking room and be like "you called (m/n)."? I could hear Sehun laughing demonically from the baking room.

"Hey (ms.) Jackson something strange happened today", I said.

Hearing this, Sehun got interested and peeked from the baking room. Jackson raised his eyebrows, "huh. What is it (bish)? "

"I met a guy"


"And he was very handsome "

More silence.

Sehun was glaring fire at the back of
(M/n)'s head. 'How could he like another guy when I'm here. '

"And then he kind of asked me out".

Hearing this Jackson turned his face away from (m/n). The pain in his heart was unbearable.

You see Jackson and sehun had a crush on (m/n) ever since he opened the bakery. Every single thing about him was perfect and they loved that about him.

Just as everyone was shocked from the confession accept (m/n), the door bell of the bakery rang, signalling someone has entered.

"Uhhhhh.... Do you have a blueberry pastry"?.


Hey guys! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. I have prewritten chapters in my notebook but its just really time consuming to type these on my phone. Anyway the next update might be on Saturday so stay tuned. Sorry for any spelling mistakes. English isn't my first language. Thank you for your time.

Here you guys can comment my mistakes on this chapter.

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