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It isn't like any normal day. Grey skies and pouring rain made it very depressing. Well it wasn't like it wasn't.

Inside a grand luxurious mansion, stood two adults, a man and a woman shouting at each other. The woman stood still with a straight face that screamed 'I hate you' while the man who was slightly taller than her, had trails of tears streaming down his face

"But why? " asked the man, hiccuping and choked with the little drops of saline.

"Because I don't love you anymore ", the female said with no emotion.

"But what about our vows , that we made together. Promises and secrets. Are they all gone? Like you? "He asked.

"Those meant nothing to me. I needed something from you and now I have it. My work with you is done ", she said.

By the time the woman uttered those words, the man had already broke down. Painful sobs coming from his mouth were not enough to display the betrayal he was facing.

"B-but what a-about Jungsen",? He asked her, afraid of the answer, which awaited him.

"Oh that brat? You can keep that little shit with you. Like I care", she said rolling her eyes and then walking towards THEIR bedroom.

And at that moment (m/n) died inside.

Loud wails were heard from the nursery. Inside was a beautiful 3 1/2 month old baby boy, crying for his parents to come. Well now it was changed to parent.

Drying his tears, with the pain still in his heart, (m/n) forced himself to walk to his son's room. He entered the room, quickly walked towards the he crib and picked his son up.

Huge (e/c) hues stared at him, tiny droplets of salty water, still in his eyes, were enough to make anyone go 'aawwwww~'.

Smiling painfully, he started stroking the baby's cheek in order to calm him down. The baby's sniffles quickly stopped upon seeing his father's swollen red eyes. Reaching out towards his face, (m/n) felt a chubby hand, caressing his cheek, softly pinching it and scratching it with his baby nails.

Little Jungsen was trying to comfort his father.

(M/n) chuckled at this action and started crying, but this time time they were tears of happiness. Tears of proudness. Tears of thankfulness.

Seeing his father cry even more, the little boy got worried. No sooner , he also started shedding tears of saline, slowly. Shocked at the emotion, (m/n) quickly shushed the little one.

"Well at least someone still cares for me ", he said chuckling while kissing his son's, now red and runny nose.

Hearing his father laugh, Jungsen started to laugh aswell, showing off his baby gums.

At that moment, (m/n) came back to life.

(Back from the dead fuckers XD)

Hey people! I hope you guys enjoy this story. The updates are irregular. I don't when I'll be updating. The chapters will be a little short. With all that the author out!

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