Chapter Eleven

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We landed behind a truck stop and I grabbed Jaspers hand leading her inside.

"It's time for a good shower right." I smiled at her and pulled her into the women's bathroom, I swiped a bottle of soap off of the counter on our way in, I garded her door as she showered quickly and I watched as all the mud and grime that covered her ran down the drain. She was singing a soft song to herself, and I leaned against the door, listening.

"Rest your head close to my heart

Never to part, baby of mine.

Little one when you play

Pay no heed what they say." her young soft voice raing out quietly from the showers, I smiled and relaxed, while listening I let my mind drift off. I began thinking about the children we lost recently.

"If they knew all about you

They'de end up loving you too." she sang softly. My heart ached for our lost children I knew we could have helped the violent one, if only it had turned out different.

"What they'd give just for

The chance to hold you.

From your head to your toes

Your not much, goodness knows

But your so precious to me

Sweet as can be, baby of mine." I heard her switch off the water on her last sentence, my heart ached just listening to her sing, I ached for Angel to be with us right now, I ached for our two little ones to be alive. But most of all I ached for a normal life for Necco and I, a normal life for our pieced together family. "Nici!" I heard Jasper yell out of the bathroom, it snapped me out of my deep thoughts.

"Yes?" I called back.

"Should I put these old clothes back on? Or should I wash the4m in the shower too?" She called out, I glanced around and found a cute outfit folded all nice and neet next to me.

"No sweetie hand on." I slowly walked by the cloths and watched the clerk through the corner of my eyes, he glanced down to continue counting his till when I yanked the off of the counter. I quickly pulled the tags off and prayed he would noticed them when we walked out, I knocked on the door softly.

"Jasper sweetie I have your clothes." Her door creaked open and her little hand poked out. She swung the door open, the fresh smell of stolen shampoo followed her. We quickly walked out, the clerk not even raising an eyebrow while we walked away. Necco came out of his shower squeaky clean as well and I disappeared into the family shower, that way nobody would recognize us and if we had to steal, we were stealing from more then one worker, and they wouldn't grow suspicious. As I walked out of my shower I pulled myself a new outfit off of the shelf and Necco a new one as well.

"Excuse me ma'am." I heard the workers voice pipe up. I tensed. I really hated getting into arguments with the workers we stole from and I just wished we could walk out and nobody would notice. I kept walking as I heard her yell after me. "I will call the cops ma'am I do believe you are holding merchandise!" She shouted. I walked out and gave Necco the look, he gripped onto my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around Jaspers weight, taking off. The woman inside shrieked and I glanced back to watch her drop the cell phone she was calling the police on.

"Thanks!" I shouted and took up deeper into the clouds.

Our feet swept through the clouds, I watched Jasper as her face grew more and more into awe, she stuck her hand out to touch a cloud.

"Everyone always said theses were soft, like marshmallows!" she shouted over the roaring wind.

"But it feels like cold fog to me!" She giggled pulling her moist hand back in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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