Chapter Three (Part One)

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****So since I started school and don't have a whole lot of time I'm going to publish parts of a chapter, so just like little pieces of one chapter Sorry if its confusing then I can have a longer chapter but not feel like I haven't uploaded in forever. Sorry for the wait! 

Chapter Three-- Part One 

I rolled over in bed, bumping into Necco, he shifted and I sat up, upset.

"What's wrong babe? Another nightmare?" He asked, obviously annoyed with me waking him up every night. I shook my head and sat up holding my stomach once again.

"I'm just sick." I mumbled and swung my feet over the edge.

"Where are you going?" Necco asked I sighed and looked at him,

"To the bathroom. Unless you want me to puke all over you." I snapped, my stomach turning.

"You don't have to snap at me. I was just trying to help." He said angry and rolled over, I sighed and stomped to the bathroom, but as I knelt next to the toilet the sickness went away. I got up and walked to the kitchen, hungry again. With nothing good in the fridge I turned back to the bed and got under the covers, snuggling up to Necco.

"So you're going to snap at me then cuddle me." He moved away, still mad from earlier.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap." I sighed and tried to cuddle him again.

"What is going on with you. You are constantly having mood swings and are always angry." He said sitting up, his ears twitching.

"I'm just upset about Angel." I sighed and sat up, resting my half asleep hands in my lap.

"You know what." He started, getting even madder. "I understand that you raised her for a couple of years and stuff and I understand that you have an attachment to her..." He looked down at me, watching my face twist in sadness. "But she is not your child. She never was. Yes you have an attachment to her I understand that. But you need to quit whining about it so much." He said and got up.

"Necco you don't understand-" I started.

"I don't understand? Really?" He was shouting now. "Not only did I fall in love with Angel too and help save her she isn't the first child I have helped raise!" He shouted. "Before I ran from Nick and Darren my sister was with me, we shared a cage together. They had come up with a new thing that they had never tired on anyone before, so they used her as a damn guinea pig. Her body rejected it, it was freaking out. Her insides became attacking each other, and her organs shutting down. She was in the worse pain I had ever seen, and after hours and hours of suffering and holding my hand, saying how she wasn't ready to die she passed away, in my arms. I held my sister and watched her take her last breath." He was now starting to choke up, I was staring at him in shock. "And I raised her a hell of alot longer then you have raised Angel." He looked at me again, "So you need to cut the crap. She isn't your child. At least she is still alive! I would do anything, ANYTHING, to have Lilly alive again. I don't care if she didn't know who I was, just having her alive would be my only wish." He said and sat back down. I crawled over to him,

"I'm sorry Necco I didn't know." I whispered touching his shoulder, he yanked away.

"You didn't know because you were to mean to everyone about Angel to open your ears and hear the stories." He was being a little cold, probably because I had made him so mad and had brought up a tough story.

"I'm sorry."

"At least Angel is alive." He said and looked at me, "Because Lilly isn't." He layed under the covers and closed his teary eyes. I sat there a minute thinking about the story he just shared with me. He watched his sister die in front of his eyes, he watched her suffer. Held her, and all I saw was Angel get hurt and lose her memory, may be he was right. I'm overreacting a little bit. I sighed and layed down, on the other side of the bed giving Necco plenty of space because I made him mad. I felt him shift on the other side of the bed and turn around, his arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into his chest, so close his fur tickled the back of my neck.

"I thought you were mad I'm giving you space." I whispered, feeling happy that he pulled me closer.

"I'm not mad." he whispered, "Just upset." I turned around and hugged him, my face pressing into his chest.

"I'm here." I said and held him tight. "And I'm sorry." I apologized for making him tell me the touching story, and for overreacting, he shrugged.

"Don't be sorry it's okay." He kissed my forehead then closed his eyes to go to sleep, I soon began to drift off and had dreams of Angel and Lily together, even though I didn't know what Lilly looked like my mind pieced together something.   

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