Chapter One

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Intro of Wanted Thirteen-

My stomach was twisting and the food I just ate tasted sour in my mouth, there was something wrong and I couldn't put my finger on it. I silently walked through the streets, dodging the cars coming down the old roads. My face was on ever wanted poster out there, news of the girl with wings was spreading quickly. I was on the top wanted list.

My new red hair was sticking to my sweaty forehead as I tried to sneak home, If I was going to have bounty hunters on my tail I had to have some kinds of protection, even if that meant stealing from my dad.

When I finally reached my father's house I quickly reached under a fake rock and pulled out a key, the spare to the house. And I let myself in.

Only moments of entering sirens began blaring, and my father's feet ran down the stairs, he rounded the corner with a gun in his hands and a look of fear on his face, I hadn't seen him for almost a year.



*Its a little short sorry guys!!!!

Angel sat there silently, looking at the sky. She hasn't been herself since the incident, and the nurse said Tyler had damaged her brain so bad that it may never get better. I sighed and called her over, she looked at me silently, still not remembering who I really was but going off of what everyone was telling her.

"Yes?" She looked at me through glassy eyes.

"Are you hungry? The cook is making your favorite, stew." I smiled at her and ruffled her hair, remembering the first night we had spent at the circus, stew was the first meal we had had with them.

"I don't like stew." She said and pulled away from my hands, going back to looking at the sky and stretching her wings out. I sighed and buried my tear filled eyes, Necco coming over to me.

"Hey baby what's wrong?" He asked sitting down next to me and wrapping his fingers in between mine.

"I just wish it would have ended different." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks. "And that weird thing that sent me those dreams forever ago is doing it again... like he wants me to know something." The tears were freely rolling and Angel had stopped watching the sky and was watching me.

"Why are you crying." She said with no emotion. I Looked at her and whipped my tears.
"Because of how much I love you." I whispered to her and smiled. She looked away from me.

"Emotions make you weak." She said and went back to the sky, I started sobbing and Necco hugged me tightly. "Thats what they tell me." Angel said pointing to the sky. Then the nurse came around the corner.

"Angel honey time for the check up!" She said and smiled at her, Angel jumped up, excited to see her then she ever was to see me.

"Yay!" She shouted and jumped into the nurse's arms, I looked at her sadly and she frowned at me, then walked away with my Angel.

"She doesn't even remember who I am. Or what we went through!" I sobbed harder into Neccos arms.

"One day she will." He soothed me and smoothed my hair back, kissing my forehead. I sighed and got up, feeling a little sick to my stomach and obviously Necco could tell.

"Nici are you feeling okay?" He asked getting up and lifting my chin, I looked at him and shrugged.

"I think I caught a little bug." I pecked his lips, happy with his concern. "Come on, stews getting ready to finish." I smiled and walked away with his hand in my hand.

"At the fire Angel sat there, quietly looking confused at all of us. Trying to wrap her head around what was going on trying to remember who we all were, the nurse sat next to me with sad eyes.

"It looks as though Angels memory is getting worse. I'm afraid to say she may never remember who you are or what happened." She said taking a shaky bit of her stew. "And I know the ringmaster said you could stay until they find you but if you have to leave I don't think you should take her with you." She gravely said, my shoulders fell.

"But she's my daughter." I cracked, upset."

"I understand that. But if you must leave she has to stay. I can continue working with her and maybe when you come back she will remember. But right now if you have to leave I will not allow you to leave with her, she will likely kill herself if you take her now." She said, I tried to argue but every attempt I made was shut down. Our short upsetting conversation ended and I looked down at my bowl of food, wishing it was deep enough to drown in. I got up and dumped the rest in Neccos bowl, he looked at me confused.

"Not hungry." I nodded and brushed my jeans off. "Come on Angel lets go to bed." I smiled at her and held my hand out, the ring of carnies went quiet.

"No your not my mother." She stated coldly, I stumbled back like I had just gotten stabbed in the heart.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm staying with her." She grabbed the nurse's hand and stomped her feet. I stepped forwards and grabbed her arm.

"Angel come on." I tried to pull her towards me, which usually works, but she yanked back and bit my arm.

"Go away!" She shouted at me, now stomping her feet, I let go. "Go away! Go away! Go away!" She shouted and started throwing bowls at me and screaming, my eyes widened in shock and sadness, my heart feeling like it was shattering. The nurse picked Angel up and started to shush her, trying to calm her down.

"Nici it's best if you go. Angel will be fine with me tonight." she said to me. Rage filled me inside and I glared at her.

"Fine! If you want to be her mother go ahead! Step on my feet and raise her yourself! She obviously wants you!" I shouted and kicked dirt their way, then stormed to my trailer with Necco hot on my heels.

"Babe! Babe! Slow down!" He shouted my way, I swung the door opened and landed on my squeaky bed, crying, he followed me in and pulled me up towards him.

"I'm horrible." I sobbed he shook his head and kissed my forehead.

"No your not. she just doesn't remember, give her time." He then talked to me sweetly, soothing me.

"Why are you so great to me." I mumbled and kissed him, my cheeks wet from the tears. He smiled at me.

"Because I love you." He leaned down and kissed me softly. Then for one crazy night we were alone in our trailer, without having to worry about waking Angel up, and my squeaky bed squeaked louder than it ever had.

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