Chapter Eight (PART ONE)

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I sat down quietly, my knees pulled up to my chest. I was staring out the window, the multiple roses I had collected were sitting on the bench next to me. I knew this was only the start of the horror that was to come, but I couldn't imagine what would be worse than loosing my two children. There had been another accident while I was giving birth, a player was attacked by a lion, one that was not on our files, the untrained and angry lion mauling and killing one person, injuring three others. All the while black rose petals fell from the tents top. I sighed and got up, tears in my eyes as I began to pack my bags.

"The one place I called home." I whispered to myself, Necco walked in.

"Whats going on Nici?" He asked grabbing my hand. I looked at him sadly.

"I'm leaving." I stated and pulled my hand away. "I'm leaving." I repeated to myself.

"Why? Whats going on? Is it the baby thing? We will figure it out Nici, it was an accident." Necco tried to reassure me.

"No that's not the reason." I said to him, sitting down. "The longer we are here the more people are getting hurt. Our children died yes, but so did a circus member. And now not just one member is hurt four are. The man with the roses wants me, and I don't know why. But you know what I am sick and tired of watching the people I called family get hurt. I'm leaving. You can choose to stay it's up to you. But I can't." I sighed wiping my tears away. "I can't stay. And I have to find my father." I muscled up enough energy to get up and finish packing.

"I'm coming with then." He said and began to throw his little belongings in as well.

"What?" I asked, tears beginning to run down my face. He just looked forwards, his jaw set in determination. I hugged him hard and sobbed, he kissed my forehead as my tears soaked his shirt as I mumbled to myself, "The one place I called home..."


It was the middle of the night, late and dark. Everyone was asleep, not even a cricket was moving. I pulled my jacket on and walked over to Neccos side.

"Ready to go?" I smiled at him, grabbing his hand.

"Ready as I'll ever be." He kissed my cheek and got onto my back, with one swift breath I took off, taking into the air. The wind pushed my hair back and made my eyes burn, I took a breath in and looked down. As I scanned the circus below I got a sick feeling in my stomach, already missing my family down there. My eyes lingered on Angels trailer, tears pricked my eyes as I saw her cute face looking out the window at us. I sighed. She still doesn't remember. Or she would have joined me. I gave a silent goodbye to her and turned my head, flying off without her.

"We will be back." I whispered to myself, "One day, one day hopefully."   I turned back around, missing her wave at me, tears filling her eyes. If I would have see that I wouldn't have turned away without her. Wouldn't have left her behind, something I still regret to this day.

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