Chapter Five (PART TWO)

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**** it might have spaced weird sorry guys!****

I woke up with a sharp pain in my chest, I looked down groggily and saw a black rose

still tucked between my breasts. The pointed thorns stabbing into my skin lightly, my head pounded

as I sat up, I heard a bunch of clatter, someone crying, as I looked down I saw another silk

dancer, but she had fallen far, she laid on the ground, her chest barely rising. I tried to sit up only my head screamed in pain, I felt blood running through my hair, I fell back down and looked

helplessly at the woman lying on the ground with ripped silk around her, wondering what this

guy had hit me with. The ringmaster was barking orders left and right, he shouted to have

someone find me, nobody but the girl I had saved knew I was up here, and she was standing in

shock staring at the fallen dancer, knowing that could have been her.

I tried to sit up again but felt someone grab my hair.

"Darling you have caused quite a ruckus." I heard a male voice ring out. He slammed me

against the wall, I looked up and glared into his bright blue eyes, most of his face was covered

now with a black mask. "You know we have been searching for you." He whispered into my ear.

"Who is we." I hissed, I grabbed the hand that was holding my hair up, trying to rip away.

"Oh you will see."

I noticed a bag slung around his shoulder, in the bag peaked out multiple knives and

ropes, along with blunt objects to knock someone out with.

"I could finish the job right now..." He mumbled, looking my face up and down. "But that

would be to easy." He laughed.

"What job you ass." I shouted, now beginning to regain my strength. I saw him smile

under the mask. He reached into his bag and grabbed out a mini baseball bat,

"Don't worry about it." He lifted it up, to knock me out again, I started struggling and

screaming. "Watch your back darling." Then the bat came down and hit me again.

I woke up now on the dirty ground, the ringmaster was standing over me and shouting to get the nurse, my head was bleeding worse than before, the rose was still where it was so neatly tucked, I groaned and started to get up.

"Stay down Nici!" He pushed my shoulders down. "You are bleeding way too bad right

now." He hissed. I saw Necco round the corner, his eyes went from my wound to the rose sitting in between my two breasts, then

hate began to spread across his face. He yanked the rose out, slicing up my skin with the thorns

in the process.

"What the hell." He hissed, crumpling it up and throwing it.

"Ow." I said still groggy.

"What happened Nici?" He asked sitting down and lifting my head up.

"There was a guy up there, he was cutting the silk for our dancers, and I wanted to go

stop him." I mumbled, Necco put his hand behind my head and brought it up.

"Jesus." He whispered. "He hit you hard."

"Twice." I said wincing as he pressed a rag to the back of my head.


"I saved a dancer, then he knocked me out, I'm assuming that's when he cut the other dancer down, because I wasn't conscious to save her. And when I woke up again, he knocked

me out again with this bat thing." As I explained the nurse rounded the corner.

"Nici you need to be careful!" She shouted at me, yanking me up away from Necco.

"Hey her head is bleeding really bad!" Necco protested.

"Oh head wounds always bleed bad. Come to my trailer." She yanked me off, and when

she sat me down and began to clean up my hair and wound that's when I got the cuss out.

"Your pregnant Nici. This is not something that you just play around with, you can't play with fate because now you are not only responsible with your life, you are responsible for you

child's too." I Nodded and started feeling her tug something through my head.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"He hit you hard enough to need stitches." Was all she said. I nodded and heard her curse at me. "Hold still damn it." I stifled a laugh and sat still until she was done and she let me

up. "Go eat sweetie the baby needs it." She smiled, now calming down from the whole situation.

"Hey I was going to ask, when can we know... You know, if its a boy or a girl." I smiled excitedly.

"Well we just found out you were pregnant, we don't even know how far along you are."

She answered, straight faced.

"But I ordered some stuff that are on the way." She then smiled, "Even if you aren't very

far, when it get here we will give you an ultrasound." She smiled widely "You're lucky I have

worked in a fertility unit and know how to do these things." She smiled. I couldn't hold back the squeele.

"Yay I can't wait!" I shouted and ran out of the trailer to the campfire where I spilled all the news to Necco, who was just as excited as I was.


Months passed and we saw no more of the black roses or the man that was giving them

out. And the day had finally arrived, time for the ultrasound. I layed down on the bed while the nurse set everything up. Necco was sitting next to me tapping his food, he was just as excited if

not more, to find out the results.

"Now I believe you are far enough along." She smiled, "But remember you might not be and if the baby is covering the stuff up then we still won't know for a little while longer." I smiled at her.

"I know, I know." I was getting shifty and impatient, she sat down next to me and smiled,

"Ready darling?" She asked, holding the tools in her hand.

"I've been ready since I layed down!" I smiled. She laughed and squeezed some gel onto

the tool.

"Here we go..." She placed the cold device on my already rounding stomach, at first all I saw was scratches of black and white, not being able to see what was the baby and what


"Oh my gosh..." She whispered, then I saw it, my eyes grew wide and I began to giggle


"Your having..."

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