Chapter Ten (Part Two)

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Chapter Ten Part Two

I fell for what felt like forever, just waiting for that moment when my feet softly touched the ground. I landed lightly and looked around the darkness, my eyes tried to adjusted to the dark surrounded me with no avail. Suddenly Neccos soft body crashed on top of me, knocking me to the ground.

"I didn't think you were going to follow me!" I giggled, pushing him off of me.

"Why wouldn't I, I'm not going to just let you go on an adventure alone."

"I thought you were a scaredy cat!" I laughed at my own pun. He rolled his eyes at me, lightly laughing at my pun as he brushed himself off.

"Were going to have to find some kind of source of light." He mumbled looking around,

"What are you doing in my home?" The young girls voice rang out, I jumped and looked at Necco, making sure he heard it as well.

"Who the hell is there?" He cussed into the darkness. I gripped his hand to try and calm him,

"She has been talking to me off and on, I thought she was a voice in my head or something." I mumbled, he relaxed a little. Suddenly light flooded the room, Necco hissed in pain and rubbed his eyes, a little girl stood in the middle of the room, her fire red hair stuck up in all directions around round green eyes. She rubbed her freckled cheeks as the light flooded in.

"Your home?" I asked looking around, there was little trinkets hung around the room, paper and old food containers scatter the floor. She plopped down onto a dusty stained bed.

"Yeah. My mom and dad use to live here with me!" She chirped looking at her black feet. I took a step closer to her and Necco grabbed my air, giving me a hard look.

"She warned me of people a little while ago, and she's just a young alone girl." I shot back quietly.

"I understand if you don't want to be my friends, I know there are a lot of people being mean to you and coming after you. So it's okay." Her voice got light and sad at the end, I could see Neccos eyes softening and he let go of my arm.

"No sweetie we can be friends." I smiled at sat next to her, I noticed her body was dirty and skinny. "Where are your parents?" I asked softly, she looked up at the hatch and got up, walking towards a rope that hung down from the top of it.

"Well everyone in this town got sick, and people started leaving, then other guys with guns came in to kill the sick. I remember my mom taking me down here and telling me not to leave, her and my dad locked that hatched up there and hid it so nobody would find us, we stayed down here for the longest time," She grunted softly as she pulled the rope, the metal hatched slammed shut, the noise bouncing off the walls. "Then my mom got sick, dad started taking walks and began digging three holes. He kissed my head and told me he would come back and not to leave without him. But he never came back," She walked back over and sat down on the old mattress. "I stayed as long as I could but ran out of food, so I walked down the tunnel to get out and found my mom in one of the holes, and my father next to her. They both were sick, I put my dad in the hole with my mom and covered them, kinda like dad taught me to do with flowers. And since then I've been alone." She shrugged and studied her dirty nails.

"I'm sorry sweet heart." I tried to smooth down her fire hair as best as I could.

"That's okay." She chirped, standing up. "My name is Jasper." She smiled at me, I smiled back,

"I'm Nicci and this is Necco." I gestured towards Necco he gave a timid wave. "I have a daughter that I think would get along great with you." I gave her a smile. The little girl smiled back and got up, kicking some papers away from her. I was going to visit my mom and dad today do you want to come?" Before we answered she started walking away, towards a large bronze door across the room, she swung it open with ease and began walking through a hand carved tunnel, I looked at Necco and we followed behind her.


We sat by a lake while Jasper splashed in it.

"Can you imagine being just a nine year old girl when your parents died, then having to fend for yourself?" I Mumbled as I watched her float around.

"Yeah, I can." Necco nodded, watching her with soft eyes. "She reminds me a lot of Angel, the innocence but also the drive to help people." Necco wrapped his fingers around mine.

"Our little family seems to be growing." Jasper stood up in the water and dunked her fiery hair into the crystal lake water. "Make sure to wash underneath those dirty nails!" I shouted at her after her head resurfaced.

"Our little family..." Necco trailed off. "I feel like our family is pieced together, in the best way. We all saved each other, and maybe she can save Angel." He looked in my eyes and I could tell he was talking about her memory. I had a feeling he was right, that she could jog Angels memory and bring back the girl we fell in love with. Suddenly Neccos hair stood on end and his pupils shrunk. I looked up and watched as black roses fell from the sky, splashing into the lake while spreading their black dye through the crystal clear water, I jumped up and Necco gripped my back, I flew and grabbed Jasper as the man who killed our circus members rounded the corner, flashing a bright white smile. I pulled Jasper to my chest and took to the air, Necco hissed as the man pulled a gun, she aimed and perfectly shot Necco in the back of the thigh, proving he could aim, but he didn't want to kill us just yet. Jasper let out a scream and buried her face into my chest trying to hide. I flew until he was out of view and didn't stop until I hit the top of the nearest mountain. I felt Neccos claws digging into my shoulder, I gently dropped Jasper and pried his nails out, he landed on the ground, cussing and gripping his leg. I knelt next to him to examine the wound, the bullet had traveled deep and was bleeding pretty bad, white oozed out of it and I could tell he had coated it in something to make it burn even more. I held onto Neccos leg and forced him to lay back, flipping my body around him to sit on his butt.

"Necco your going to need to hold still," I pressed his leg down all the way, he cussed again but stayed as still as possible, my nails turned to claws and I took a deep breath, I shoved my pointed nails in and pressed as hard as I could until my Nails reached around the bullet, Necco cussed and began to thrash, "I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I shouted over him as I yanked the bullet out of his leg. He layed there as I wrapped his leg up tightly. I sighed and layed his head in my lap, "I'm sorry babe." I mumbled as I smoothed his hair down, Jasper was sitting across from us.

"You have wings?" She asked, I looked at her and Nodded. "So you have wings like a bird and he has a tail like a cat." She laughed and got up, walking towards me. "Let me see?" She asked, I stretched my aching wings out as far as they would go, I wasn't use to the added weight of Jasper during flight so my wings just had a pretty heavy workout. Jasper ran her hands through my wings in awe. She wrapped her fingers around one of my feathers and yanked it out.

"Ow! Jasper please don't do that." I Jumped, she gripped the feather in her hand,

"Oh my gosh I'm sorry I didn't think it would hurt!" She apologized quickly. I pulled my wing over and around me, rubbing the bald spot.

"Its okay just don't do it again please." She nodded at me and sat down, looking at the feather. Necco shifted under me.

"Now you get to take care of me even more." He smiled at me, blowing me a kiss.

"Aw come on, you rely on me anyways." I joked with him kissing his forehead. "That man, he keeps finding us and getting closer every time." I thought outloud. Necco sat up and we watched Jasper together run around the field surround us with the feather.

"I know." Necco mumbled. "We have to find a place he can't find us." I nodded and smiled when Jasper looked my way.

"I hope there is someone where he can't find us." I replied to Necco.

"We will find one." He answered softly rubbing his leg.

I nodded at him, but somehow I knew that wasn't the case, and I could feel that it was only going to get worse. 

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