Chapter Four (Part One)

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I shifted and woke up, bumping Necco slightly. I smacked my lips together and rubbed my tired eyes, looking around. I sighed rubbing my aching head.

"Morning love." He smiled and rolled around, holding my waist tight.

"Morning." I smiled at him and laid back down, cuddling next to his warm body.

"How you feeling." He pecked my nose, I smiled at him.

"I'm alright. My head hurts a little." I mumbled and closed my eyes, trying to get my headache to disappear.

"I'm sorry." He muttered cuddling into my side and tucking his head between my neck. His fluffy ears tickled me.

"It's okay." I mumbled back, beginning to drift off back to sleep, then there was a pounding at our door. I jumped up, scaring Necco awake. "Ugh what!" I shouted. There was no answer. I sighed and got up sulking towards the door. As I swung it open my eyes met another black rose. I picked it up quietly, looking around while I closed the door and stuck the black rose into the vase, right next to the other one.

"What are those?" Necco asked, looking at the dark roses.

"I don't know... I keep finding them." I didn't mention the man I keep seeing after I found them, I didn't need Necco to start worrying that we just suddenly got a stalker on our tail.

"Huh..." He studied my face for a minute then layed back down, knowing that I was hiding something from him. "Come back to bed." He said, I smiled and layed down next to him, drifting back to sleep, with that dark question lurking in my head, 'Who's the man with the black roses?'


I awoke sick again. There was definitely something wrong. I sighed and ran to the bathroom, sitting down so quickly it made my head spin, then I puked again. I heard Necco jump up and run to my side, gathering my hair up.

"What is wrong with you." He sighed worried. "You have been sick almost all month and we need our flying act soon." He sighed and watched as I got up and brushed my teeth, the mint toothpaste doing little to hide the nasty taste of bile.

"Wait..." I mumbled, spitting and turning around. My bag of pads and tampons sat next to the toilet, "All month!" I shouted dropping my toothbrush. "Shit shit shit!" I shouted and jumped back into the bedroom.

"Nici what are you doing?" Necco asked as I dug through all the draws. I was so frantic I didn't answer him. He grabbed me and held me still, I knew I could break away, but chose not to.

"Necco all month. All Month!" I shouted, getting more nervous. He stopped and realized what I was implying.


"I could have sworn I had a damn pregnancy test left over! Where is it!" I shouted and dug through more draws, coming up empty.

"You used the last one already." He said, I grabbed his hand and yanked him outside with me, the rest of the circus watching us curiously, wondering what all the commotion was about.

"Then we're going to buy some more!" I shouted and yanked him onto my back, opening my wings and taking to the air.

"We could have walked." Necco shouted over the roaring wind.

"To slow. I'm too panicked. I cant be pregnant!" I shouted, landing in the middle of town.

"Nici! People can see us!" Necco hissed at me.

"Yeah so they know were in the circus come on." I walked inside a store and grabbed one off the shelf, telling Necco to buy it while I disappear into the bathroom, feeling sicker and sicker by the minute.

And let me tell you that was the longest three minutes of my life.


I stepped out of the bathroom, the test now discarded in the garbage can, and grabbed Neccos hand, leading him outside. I ignored the millions of questions he asked me. I couldn't tell if I was happy or upset. I had very mixed emotions.

"Nici. What did it say." He asked again for the millionth time. I took to the air, and soon his questions were drowned out because of the screaming wind. I landed back in the middle of our campsite and walked inside. He grabbed my arm and spun me around, "Nici." He asked again, more worry in his voice than ever. I gave him a look, and his shoulders slumped,

"No." He said, I sighed and sat down.

"I'm pregnant."

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