Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

The dark streets lurked around me, my body felt like it could be melting into the darkness. In front of me there were two people, Nick and Darren. They stood there are stared at me, both of them had two bullet wounds in the head, with their empty stares came a feeling of horror as their open wounds began to run. Blood ran into Darrens open mouth. I didn't move, I didn't know how but I knew I shouldn't move. My body lurked to the right, and there stood Tyler and Monica. They were holding hands and staring at me quietly, Monica's eyes were drooping out of her head, blood was spilled down the front of her, and her mouth keep silently mouthing the words, "Please stop." Over and over again. Tyler's neck lay there like a limp animal, it was handing to one side and his eyes were looking at me wide, just like they were before I broke his neck. There were questions in his eyes, and for a moment it looked like my old Tyler was back. My insides began to twist as my body faced the next two.

Angel and Necco.

Necco layed there, his fur gone and his ears torn off, but instead of unmoving like the rest he was crawling back, away from me on all fours, whimpering and asking why I was hurting him, leaving a blood trail behind him, Angel stood there, that empty look in her eyes. Her head was bleeding still from the wound Tyler had inflicted on her. Her arms were broken and twisted up in ways that looked impossible, her elbows were dripping blood from where the bone had broken out.

"See your not my mother." She said, now I moved.

I stepped forwards with my hands stretched towards them.

"Angel! Necco! What happened." Necco slipped on his own blood and hit his head looking at me with wide bulging eyes.

"You!" He shouted and began trying to scramble farther. They looked tortured and beaten, and they were scared of me. I took another step forwards and Angel let out a shriek, Then the unmovable dead bodies jumped to life. Nick and Darren leaped in front of them, their wounds spraying me with blood, Angels screams continued to echo in my ears and Monica and Tyler grabbed both of me arms.

"Time for you to pay to!" The shouted, and both twisted my arms, pain ran up from my elbow as I heard the snap.


I jumped away, fear aching in my stomach. The dream I just had left me feeling sick, and without warning Necco I jumped out of bed and ran outside, I doubled over and puked everywhere. The dead bodies still fresh in my mind I was shaking uncontrollably and trying to forget what had happened. Necco ran out after me and gathered my sticky hair in his hands.

"Nici baby are you okay!" He asked, watching as I puked up what I had left of last night's dinner.

"I just had a bad dream..." I mumbled as I wiped my mouth, remembering the broken bodies of the two. I heard Angels real scream from across the park, "A really bad one." I choked up and began trying, the fear from the dream seeping into my bones,

"What was it about?" He cooed, rocking me back and forth. I didn't want to tell him that I had been having nightmares since I murdered three people.

"Nothing, Just stupid things." I sobbed, he pulled away and tried to make me look at him, "No please Necco just hold me I don't want to talk about it." I cried and clingled closer, the sticky smell of vomit rolled around us.

"Okay babe but let's go inside." He listened my heavy body up and carried me inside, when I calmed down enough I tried to get back to sleep, but with the dream in my head and Angels screams being heard from across the parking lot, I didn't get any more.

The run began to rise and my red eyes cracked open, not getting anymore sleep, I sighed and sat up, every time I closed my eyes I remembered that night. I cleared my throat and walked to the bathroom as Necco began to wake up also.

The face that looked back at me looked like one of death. I had huge dark rings under my red sleepy eyes. My face was pale with the lack of sleep and my body was hunched over, aching for more. I washed my face and tried the best I could to cover up the damage of a sleepless night with the makeup I had been provided, no use. I looked so awful that no amount of makeup would help. I walked out to see Necco pulling jeans over his boxers, his tail swishing behind him.

"Morning love, how did you sleep?" He asked I shrugged


"You look like death, not alright." He kissed my forehead and looked at me concerned.

"I'm fine babe. That dream just shook me up." As I said that my stomach growled. "Let's go get some food I'm hungry." I smiled at him and kissed his lips, walking towards the fire, trying to act like nothing had happened, and that I had a full night sleep. Which if you looked close enough you could tell I didn't. As I reached the fire, which wasn't actually lit, we only lit if at night, I saw Angel sitting there, staring into the empty pit. I walked over to her and sat down smiled.

"Hi." I smiled at her, trying to ignore the hurt of her not remembering me.

"Hi." She said back and looked away from me once again.

"You know we could start a fire." She looked at me her eyes wide.

"Are you going to cook me?" She slurred, I jumped and my eyes widened.

"No no dear!" Tears filled her eyes and she began screaming, more hurt filled my heart as I saw the nurse run over and hold my child, calming her down. I sniffled and moved over to Necco, trying to mask the tears.

"It will be okay babe just give it time." He cooed me, I glared at him and got up.

"Time! Time! Really! Like all that TIME you put in for her! You only knew her for a couple of months but she was my daughter for YEARS and you just expect me to be OKAY with the fact that she doesn't even remember I raised her!" I shouted at him, his eyes widened and everyone was now watching me. "Sure I'll give it TIME! I shouted and threw my hands up into the air. "But if it was your child and you spend YEARS with her you would be so layed back about it mister! " I screamed, the nurse came over to me, still holding my child.

"Nic-" She started.

"Oh don't you DARE try to talk to me about it! You don't care because all you have to do is HOLD my child and she is calm!"

"Nici we are doing the best we can to get her to remember." She said to me and looked at me sadly.

"Yeah the best!" I scoffed at her rolling my eyes. "I'll be in my damn trailer. I don't want to be bothered by anyone!" I stormed back to my trailer and slammed the door shut, not even Necco followed me.

"Give it Time!?" I mocked Necco, mad. I sat down in a huff, suddenly my stomach flipped and I ran to the bathroom to puke again. I pulled away from the toilet, beginning to feel a little better but still very frustrated. "And now I have the flu. great."   

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