.Rise and Fall. (14)

Start from the beginning

"Let go off me", I tried to pull. For god sake, we were standing under the rain in this freezing weather.

But he didn't budge an inch away from me. He kept digging his nails inside my skin until a small gasp escape my lips. His hands slipped off my arm the moment he realised he hurt me. "I didn't mean to hurt you", he stepped back away from me with his eyes widened.

"But you already did", I snapped. I was all damp and dirty, and it's all because of him.

His mouth opened and closed like a goldfish but nothing came out. I rubbed the part where his nails dig in my skin still looking into his dark pools and waited for him to apologise.

But he turned away breaking our eye contact before taking long strides towards his house. I just stood there looking at his retreating back inside his house.

After he was completely out of my sight, I turn around to leave with my mind clouded with thoughts.

Why was everything so complicated and twisted between us? For once why can't it be normal? Normal life of teenagers and normal neighbours. But no it had to be this way. Difficult. Hard. Complicated. Dark. Mysterious.. And then these feelings that I can't point my finger to.

He hurt me but he makes me feel safe. He is cold but he makes me feel warm whenever he's near me. I wanted him away from me and when he did that I felt empty like he took a part of me away with him. How were these things even possible at the same time?

I locked the front door before heading to my room to get rid off the wet clothes. Ignoring the shivers that kept running through my body I decided to take a shower to clear my head.

The warm water spread on the surface of my body bringing a sudden pleasure and relieve. I closed my eyes taking in the warmth of the water as a pair of dark pools came in my sight holding anger, coldness and nothing but just emptiness in them. I got lost in them despite how dangerous they look like a dark storm approaching with a wrath.

I snapped my eyes open to meet the white bathroom tile infront of me. Shutting down my puzzled mind I hugged my body for some time just standing under the artificial drops before walking out of it.

I was flipping through the channels, plopped down on the couch as I waited for the pizza delivery guy to arrive with the pizza of course.

I decided to order something over cook myself something after all that drama. I sighed finding nothing interesting to watch. My weekend cannot be worst with the twins out of the town and being dragged out of the work place to my empty house, the reason why I actually went to the diner. Courtesy goes to Nickel Black. Like seriously, what's his problem? God knows what goes on inside that head of his.

The bell pulled me out of my thoughts. I jumped out of the couch as I manage to snatch the bills out of the drawer faster than I thought before rushing towards the door. I was starving.

Without even bothering to peep through the hole once, I opened the door and push the bills to the person as I forwarded my hands.

My eyes widened when I saw the person standing infront of me with his all time blank, expressionless face and then pull back my empty hand which was hanging in the air. He changed into his another pair of black attire and one of his eyes covered with his wet hairs falling on his forehead as messy as ever. I don't know how one person could be so messed up and look handsome at the same time.

Nickel handed me the money back bringing me out of my misery thoughts, he pushed through me and walk inside my house hitting my shoulder in the process. I blinked once twice thrice. What the....?

Restraining myself from the shocked state after like a minute, I turn around to walk back inside.

Another shock hit me like a wrecking ball when I saw him sitting in my couch looking more comfortable than I, myself ever did flipping through the channels before picking an action movie. I'm not even surprise.

Gathering up all the guts I had, I fisted and unfisted my hands several times before asking, "What are doing here?"

"What does it looks like I'm doing here? My TV isn't working", he answered with an bored tone without even sparing me a glance.

Its going to be a long night, I thought and sighed when my door bell rang again. I wish this time its the right guy.

I opened the door to reveal a blond haired guy who looked very similar to me with a box of pizza in his hand. My face beamed with happiness the moment I realised who actually this sheepishly smiling boy was.

"James??", I squealed like a little kid when they see a candy store.

"Serena?", he squealed in the same tone as me. We were acting like long lost bestfriends. Ignoring the fact that we were together the whole time in school today and its been like only four hours.

"Yeah. So you're the delivery guy huh?", I asked with my arms over my chest.

He let out a chuckle with a nod, "Although I wish I wasn't. So, that we could share the pizza and I tell you some more about the flower garden."

I chuckled with him too, but soon it died down in my throat when the approaching steps of my uninvited neighbor came, and I tried to halt the speed my heart started to pick. I had no idea why was I scared. James froze as well when he looked straight after me and saw the person who stopped behind, his chest touching my back.

"Uhm.. Your pizza", James brought his attention back to me and handed the pizza.

"Thank you", I said as I gave him the cash in his hands with a smile which was hard to frame with Nickel so close to me. My whole body was quivering under his body's touch. He returned me the smile awkwardly.

"See you at school. Enjoy the weekend", he said.

Before I could reply I was pulled by an arm around my waist and the door shut close on James' face. I was bewildered at him and at the same time my skin under my sweater where his hand was place tingled with hotness.

He was breathing unevenly behind me blowing hot air on my ear which send my hormones haywire inside my body. He placed his head in the crook of my neck taking in my scent sending my body to a different level of pleasure as my heartbeat skyrocketed.

He smelled of aftershave and fresh lemon soap as it invaded my nostrils. His smell was so intoxicating I almost leaned in to him.

My instinct alerted. No I can't loose control over me. I knocked myself out of the tingling sensation and pushed him away from me before turning to look at his shocked expression with my sudden action.

"Why did you do that?", I snapped at him. Actually I was angry at myself for losing control under his touch. His anger returned in his eyes although hurt and disappointment remained somewhere in them. I remorsed for the tone I used. I wanted to apologise even though he should be one apologising for his sudden outbreak towards James.

But those accusing eyes his was giving me. I wanted to stab my eyes so that I could stop looking at them because lately there were so much more than coldness in his eyes. Without answering my question he retreated back inside the room probably to continue the movie.


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