Chapter 41

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Reaching out he grabs my hair again pulling me with enough force that I fall into his bare chest. Staring up at him our lips almost touch. His eyes never leaving mine.

Elden: "What are you trying to do to me little mouse?"

"You're hurting me. I don't understand. Isn't this what you want."

Elden: "I do not condone you throwing yourself at me like a whore."

He whispers.

"I just want you to listen to me. I'm not use to this type of thing, but I know my looks do hold some sort of spell over you. You and Xael are one in the same. I know he craves my touch as do you."

Elden: "You are foolish to think that throwing yourself at me will persuade me to do whatever you want. Yes, Xael and I are one in the same, but do not think for one second, I won't fuck you into submission. You need to grow up, these childish games between us only bore me."

Releasing me he rises up from the bed causing my body to flop forward onto my stomach. Reaching for his pants he completely ignores me while redressing. Sitting up in silence I continue to watch him confused on what just transpired between us.

"You are a pompous jerk who is impotent."

In the middle of buttoning his pants he soon stops, turning sharply to address me.

Elden: "What did you just say to me?"

"You are a jerk and ...."

A low growl stops me from speaking. Taking hold of my neck he squeezes with just enough force to warn me before pressing our lips together. Massaging his fingers through my hair I let out a tiny gasp as his tongue soon enters my mouth. Our tongues continue to entwine as he holds me closer. Breaking apart from the kiss he smirks, giving me a tiny push backwards onto the bed. Now flat on my back he stares at me, an animal craving his prey. His eyes never leave mine as he hands find themselves underneath my dress.

"Don't touch me."

Elden: "Skin so smooth..."

With warms hands laid upon my stomach as if imagining a child is inside. His callused hands decide to trail further up my body till they reach underneath my bosom.

Elden: "Magnificent breasts...."

Grabbing them with both hands he wastes no time fondling them before gently letting go.

Elden: "Enchanting eyes..."

"What do you want from me?"

Pressing one finger to my lips he gives me a loving stare as I finally submit to his touch. The next morning, I awake cold, alone, and naked as the previous night's events replay in my head. Glancing at the empty side of the bed I see two vials and a small handwritten note. Picking up the slip of paper I recognize the elegant script immediately.

Here is the medicine for the old woman. If she dies, she dies. There is nothing I can do.

~Signed The Wolf

That bastard! He planned from the very beginning to give me this stuff. He wanted to play head games with me.

A loud pounding on my door breaks me out of my thoughts.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Holly, may I come in? I have clothes for you. They came this morning by servant."


Searching around for my dress, I find it in tatters on the floor.


With the turning of the knob I quickly dash back into bed hiding both the vials, note, and ruined dress underneath the covers. The door opens with a bang. The cheerful wolf comes in tummy first carrying an armful of packages. I watch her gently place them down at the end of the bed before shutting and locking my door back. Twirling around she surveys the room with her hand on her hip. Confusion hits her as she stares at me, unmoving in bed.

Holly: "Do you always sleep in the nude? You are very strange, but I like it. It's eccentric. I bet that's why the king favors you so much. Oops. We shouldn't speak of such things with open ears all around this kingdom. I can be such a blabber mouth sometimes. Anyways these dresses are so high quality I took a tiny peek at one of them. I hope you don't mind. Listen to me, talking your ear off. I must finish making breakfast in the kitchen. You must be famished after the night you had. Oops, there I go again sticking my nose in business that doesn't pertain to me. Do you eat porridge? I make the best porridge with nutmeg and I'll go pick some fruit from our garden. Did I forget to tell you there is a garden out back. Well get dressed, greet the day. I can't wait to see what you will be wearing."

Without saying another word Holly leaves my room. Letting out a sigh of relief to finally have the room back to myself I tug the covers off of myself. Studying the bruises and markings on my body I can't help but be frustrated with Elden's surprise appearance. Struggling to get up I finally find the strength to do so. Wobbling a bit as I go to the door to lock it before going back to the bed to unwrap my packages. After unwrapping everything I take notice of all of my new things. A few new silk dresses along with simple cotton ones. Two pairs of sturdy leather shoes, a hairbrush, undergarments, assorted ribbons, my favorite perfume and two necklaces. Deciding on a simple dress for the day I slowly make my way into the bathroom. With my morning routine finished I glance at myself one last time.

Love marks down my neck, slight bruising on my arms. Thankfully this dress has long sleeves and my hair covers my neck. Time to make an appearance.

Hiding the vials, I intend to give my mother in between my bosom I cautiously walk to the kitchen, not sure where to find Holly. Pushing the door open I stop immediately in my tracks. As if having a dream, I see the last person I ever expected to be in the kitchen, kneading bread. They look up at me with a shake of their head as they continue cooking. It isn't until they speak that I know they are real.

"What have I told you about sleeping in child? If you anger him we all suffer."


Author's Note

The rated R version of this chapter will be posted later today or tomorrow. You must be following me to read it. It will be located in my mature chapters book. It is completely optional to read. What do you guys think of this chapter? Any predications? Thanks for all the reads, comments, and votes.

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