Chapter 12

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Heaviness is felt on my chest as I awaken to the sun shining brightly into the room. Opening my eyes fully I am surprised to see Xael faced down fully naked in his human form. Laying partially on top of me his face snuggles more into my chest. Trying to remove myself from his grasp he stirs, but remains lightly snoring.  Touching his arm I attempt to lift it from around my waist. Instantly he grabs my wrist startled from my touch. Raising his head still drowsy he releases his hold on me, rolling onto his back and off of my body.

"Jesus Xael."

Shutting my eyes instantly, I clear my sore throat while awaiting his reply.

Xael: "Don't act like you never thought about me naked."

"Just put clothes on."

Xael: "Winnie look at me."

I shake my head no, still keeping my eyes shut.

Xael: "I'm covered up by my furs. Your virgin eyes may open again."

I hesitate briefly before opening my eyes. Stormy grey eyes stare back at me. Xael is laying on his side right next to me. He chest uncovered as I watch him use his fingers to untangle his hair. Leaning in close I slap him hard.

Xael: "What the hell Winnie! What was that for?"

"You are a liar! All you had to do is tell me the truth and all of this could have been avoided."

I slap him again. His face distorts to anger as he lunges. Forgetting that he is naked he straddles me holding both wrists down gently. I turn my head from him showing submission by breaking direct eye contact, but I'm still angry inside.

Xael: "You knew Winnie. Don't blame all this on me. It was your mother who chose to keep us apart.

"You never told me."

Xael: "Why should I have told you when I gave you a book all about werewolf customs on your sixteenth birthday."

"You still lied to me. Again! How do you expect me to love you when you can't even tell me the whole truth about what you did to me! First I am a slave, then I find out I am free, always have been. Now you expect me to believe I am your mate."

Xael: "I never meant to deceive you. I did it to protect you."

"I don't believe you."

I turn my head back to face him staring directly into his eyes.  He releases me at the first sign of tears, rolling back over and covering up.  I turn over to the opposite side, crying softly to myself.

Xael: "Winnie I love you. You are my mate. I did what I thought was right. Please forgive me."

His voice sounds defeated as he strokes my hair, trying to calm me down.

"Love isn't built on lies Xael, don't you understand!"

I turn to face him again and for the first time tears are flowing down his cheeks as well.

Xael: "I swear I will tell you everything. Give me another chance. I can be better."

I nod my head silently turning back over to face him. Leaning close I kiss him softly as he wipes my tears on my face with his hands before pulling my face closer to his, deepening the kiss. Breaking away I wipe the side of my mouth of his saliva.

Xael: "If you tell anyone you saw me cry I will punish you."

I giggle as he wipes his face of moisture, lying back down on his multitude of pillows.

"Are you going to put clothes on?"

He smirks up at me, his eyes taking in my appearance.

Xael: " You could join me. You've seen me naked for the first time, so maybe you could return the favor."

I roll my eyes at him, holding his blankets tighter to my body. Taking my silence as a no Xael sighs in frustration before flinging his furs off of himself again. Getting up out of bed I watch as he walks straight to his wardrobe.

Xael: "Enjoying the view? You didn't close eyes this time."

"Just hurry up."

Xael: "I can smell your arousal.  It is intoxicating."

"Xael cut it out. I'm not in the mood for your head games."

Xael: "I've been celibate for twenty years. Give me a break Winnie. It is hard, really hard."

"Stop it."

Xael: "Go take a bath Win. I can't smell your scent."

"But you just said you can smell my ..... Don't make me say it."

Xael: "This is a whole other scent. That's why it took me so long to transform back.  I couldn't recognize you by your smell. My wolf was conflicted. He couldn't tell if it was really you. My mate."

"Mother sprayed me with scent masker."

Punching his wardrobe I jump in fear.

Xael: "That is a potion. An illegal potion on this land. Where did she find time to buy scent masker from the witches."

With his backside still facing me I bite my lip nervously not sure how to answer.

"Xael I don't know. Please calm down."

Xael: "Go now and take a bath."

"I have no clothes to change into."

Xael: "Here take this."

He holds out a black silk button down shirt for me to take. Getting up out of bed I walk slowly toward him, still weak from the events of the previous day. Grabbing it I start to make my way towards his private bathroom.

"What if mother catches me in your clothes? Can't I go next door to get my stuff?"

Xael: "Either you wear that shirt or nothing at all. Your choice."

There is playfulness in his voice, but I know he means what he says as I shut and lock the bathroom door behind me.

Author's Note

So there you have it! Please add this book to your reading lists, comment and vote. The more interest I get in this story the quicker I will produce chapters. Thanks.

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