Chapter 38

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Lochlainn: "Do you know the king personally Winnie?"

He inches closer, his nose tilted upwards trying to sniff me more as I back up almost tripping over a pair of men's shoes.


Holly: "Of course she does. She lived in the castle with him, same as I not so long ago. If you sniff my parents you will probably smell king Xael on them as well. Anyways what will I be cooking for us tonight?"

Lochlainn: "It is very strange that I can't smell any other scent, but his on you Winnie."

"I do not know what to tell you Omega Lochlainn"

Holly: "Lochlainn if you're going to be an annoying prick then I suggest you leave."

Dmitrii: "My love, no need to be rude. They are both our guests."

Lochlainn: "Your mate is right. I should be going. I have to meet Cassandra at the castle, for a little me time."

Dmitrii raises an eyebrow at Lochlainn as he gives him an all-knowing smirk. Holly looks between them, the realization that who he is visiting causes her to shake her head in disapproval.

Holly: "Ew, just go."

Dmitrii: "Sweetpea, that isn't nice."

Lochlainn: "It was a pleasure meeting you Winnie. I must say you intrigue me. Not a lot of women can do that. We will be seeing each other around. I'll make sure of it."

Winking at me he fixes the collar of his shirt before exiting out of the room. Watching him sends a shiver down my spine. I finally relax once I hear the front door slam shut.

Holly: "I really don't like him. Why are you guys friends anyway? He is a womanizer."

Dmitrii: "He is apart of one of the strongest werewolf kingdoms that there is. Once the war is over, I know your father will demand us to be a part of a pack again. It wouldn't hurt to be close to a leader who can help us get in with a new pack my love."

Holly: "He isn't even a beta. My father could help us find a new pack easier than that philanderer."

I giggle at her bluntness as the two finally acknowledge that I am watching them interact.

Dmitrii: "I give up. I will let you win this argument, because I am a gentleman. I'm going to take a shower. Would you be my loving mate and go clean the deer."

Holly: "I guess, but just so you know hearing him talk makes the baby kick me with anger."

Leaning in he gives her a brief peck on the lips before removing his jacket to a queasy sight. Shirtless, the coagulated blood smeared all over his chest gives off a powerful smell as he drops his coat to the floor. Removing his shoes next he grins up at Holly as he makes his way up the stairs. Giving his ass a firm squeeze she watches him intensely as he disappears from view.

"Umm Holly can I see my mother now."

Holly: "Speaking of mothers I wonder where mine is. Anyways I am going to go prep dinner, but first I need to get something from my room. The basement is over there, tell her I say hello. Oh, I was told you have a special diet or something."

"I don't eat meat."

I whisper.

Holly: "So what do you eat?"

"Fruits and vegetables."

Holly: "I think we have that. I could make you a vegetable medley of hot soup."

"That sounds good, thank-you."

Holly: "Perfect. I will yell when supper is ready. "

I nod walking at a fast pace to the basement door. Opening it up I rush down quickly.

"Who goes there?"

I hear an older sounding woman calling out to me. I turn my attention to where I hear her, finally finding the courage to look over at them. In the center of the room I see something that makes my heart stop.


A woman with identical hair to Holly is sitting by my mother's bedside. Spoon feeding her something hot from a small bowl. Eyes half closed my mother's bruised face brings tears to my eyes as I continue to stare at her from across the room. Wrapped in a mountain of blankets she barely moves as I sprint to the bed, kneeling before her.

"What happened?"

"She spiked a fever. Has been quite ill lately, barely eating, and a bit delirious."

"You need to do something!"

"I can't. If she is taken to a human healer then the council will find out she is here without permission. They will kill her for disobeying orders by not staying in slave housing. Do you want that to happen Winnie?"

" No. You must be able to do something."

"She needs to break this fever. I will leave you two be. I've done all I can. Your mother will get through this."

Standing up she rubs my shoulder before giving us privacy. I turn my attention back to the only family I truly have in this world.

"Mother it's me, Winnie. I'm here for you. I won't leave you again. Please forgive me."

Mother: "Win....nie..."

She says slowly, exhaling out steadily, eyes now completely closed.

"I'm going to make things right."

I need to see Xael. He can fix this.

Author's Note
Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I just want to say thanks for the kind words.Please continue to leave comments, votes and adds! Also feel free to add me as a friend for updates and stuff. Love you guys.

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