Chapter 8

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I stand up almost tripping over my bucket as I begin to pull up carrots for Steel. Once I have a decent amount I hide them in my front pockets. Making my way to the stables, with shoes in hand I can tell by the brightness of the sun that it is noon. Slipping on my shoes before entering the barn I check to make sure no one is around. Shutting the stable door back I go directly to his stall whistling softly to alert him of my presence. He whinnies loudly, sniffing my head before licking me. I hand over each carrot, one by one, smiling contently at his crunching. Moments later the door to the stable is thrown open, startling me with its loud bang. Glancing over my shoulder I see Zachary, dirtier than usual. He has a big large sack over his shoulder that stores feed for the captive animals on the property. As soon as our eyes meet he halts his movements. His eyes take in my appearance while looking down towards the carrots now spilled on the ground.

Zachary: "You playing servant today?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

Zachary: " You know what it means?"

"I am a servant, just like you."

Zachary: " You can't just pick and choose when to do work and when not."

"You sound like my mother. You know nothing about me.

Zachary: "You're right. I guess I don't understand the life of a pleasure slave."

"You take that back! I'm not a whore!"

I walk closer to him furious from his allegations. He sets his sack down, wiping the sweat from his furrowed brow.

Zachary: "You know he doesn't love you right. You are a bed warmer to him. A toy. His own little puppet."

"You know nothing of what you speak. He is a kind man."

Zachary: "Kind! Kind! Don't be ridiculous. You are a naive little girl in a grown woman's body. He whipped me for touching you, yet still I risk my life talking to you.

"I didn't know. Master is just over protective, he has always been this way, ever since I was a baby."

Zachary: "There you go protecting him again. He is a werewolf. You are a human. Open your eyes Winnie, he will never love you!"

My mouth opens to reply but no words come out. The feeling of my chest tightening begins again as my head becomes lighter. Vision blurring and world spinning, my legs are weightless as I fall to the hard ground. "Winnie!" Is the last sound I hear as everything goes dark.

Annabelle: "Winnie stay away from the wolves. If you are going to go outside stay where the farmers can see you and don't dirty your dress. Master spends a lot of money on clothes for you, so don't ruin them."

"Why can't I stay with you mama?"

Annabelle: "I have a feast to prepare with the other servants and cooks. Master has guests coming over tonight. This night is the Moon ball, a very important event for the wolves. I can't be focused with you in the kitchen, in the way."

" Can I bake cookies for master?"

Annabelle: "Not today child now stay still while I tie this ribbon into a bow for your hair.

Tying the ribbon into a bow she crouches to my eye level.

Annabelle: "You are so adorable, my little angel."

Kissing me on the forehead mother stands back up.

Annabelle: "If you need me, I will be in the kitchens. Come find me when you get hungry. I am leaving your bedroom door open. Be a good girl okay."

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