Chapter 18

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Who could it be? I've only seen those carriages once before in my lifetime.  Xael ordered me to be locked in my room that day, so I wouldn't be seen.

Finishing up the rest of my food I go to exit the room. Peeping my head out to see if there are any guards lurking around.

Something big must be happening. Even though this floor is off limits to the pack, normally a guard comes through here every hour just to make sure no one is trespassing.

Entering my room next door I quickly get ready, curious to figure out the castle's mystery guests. After getting washed up and dressed I put on one of my favorite dresses. It is a pastel yellow that is off the shoulder and is made out of a silky material that matches the white shoes on my feet. Braiding my hair into a long ponytail I tie it off with a yellow ribbon. Choosing a necklace with various sized yellow diamonds I clip it on around my neck. The necklace hides my locket, due to its size and eye-catching color.  Exiting out of the room and locking it behind me as well as locking Xael's room I head in the direction of the big meeting room, where no humans are allowed entry.  Going down the stone steps I hear echoes of female voices. At the end of the steps is a person who hates me, flanked by her two closest friends. Trying not to get into a confrontation I keep my head down to walk past them silently, only to be blocked by a body. Glancing upwards I see it is Lillian in my way, smirking cockily at me.

"Can I get by please?"

Lillian: "Told you girls that she couldn't last a day being a servant. She went crawling back to master after a day of working, asking for her job back as King's whore."

"Be quiet, that's not true."

Lillian: "Awww did I hurt the little whore's feelings?"

"Shut up!"

Lillian: "Look how easy is it was for her to trade her servant clothes to that whore attire."

Without being able to control myself I lift my hand up slapping Lillian with all my might. Her friends all gasp as she turns her face back to us. Ruby colored blood drips from her nose and lips onto her plain human clothes, as I take off running away from them. Hearing footsteps behind me I hide in the first place I come across.

The library.

Running into the library without a passing glance by the guards stationed near the doors I hide behind the closest book stack, crouching down, breathing heavily. After a couple of minutes I hear yelling of Lillian and her friends before complete silence. While breathing out a sigh of relief, a tap to my shoulder startles me to a presence behind me. Spinning around quickly I see an older woman dressed in a magnificent emerald gown. Her hair is curly and as black as the nighttime sky. The jewelry she is adorned with is pure gold. The one thing that stands out the most about her appearance is her eyes.

She is related to Xael.

"Dear why are you practically on the floor?"

Speechless I stand up, still not speaking to the refined lady in front of me.

"You smell like my son. I thought you were my son when you entered the library because of your scent."

Son. This is Xael' s mother.

"Your majesty."

I curtsey low, bowing my head in the process.

"No need for that dear, stand up. You will ruin that pretty dress of yours with the dust in this place. Do servants clean in here."

"Yes, your majesty they do. Not on a daily basis."

"Well they should."

We stand in silence. The queen studies my appearance when she sees something that catches her eye. Brushing my hair back with her hand she smiles brightly.

"You are my son's mate."

"Your majesty..."

"Call me Anastasia dear. What is your name?"


"Mother. Have you found the book yet?"

Turning around I see Xael in front of us. He is wearing his best attire, befitting of a king. Shock is apparent on his face, as he looks at me, then his mother before speaking.

Xael: "Mother did you find it?"

Anastasia: "No. I was browsing the stacks when I caught your scent. Thinking it was you coming to help me I walk over to you, only to find this beautiful woman in here instead, crouching down beside these dusty books. So my question to you my beloved son is how long have you had a mate?"

Xael: "Mother it is a very long story, that we can talk about later. The council is waiting for us. Winnie you may leave."

Anastasia: " No Winnie you can stay. It seems my son has been keeping you a secret from his parents as well as his kingdom. I have a right to know about your new wife, I am your mother after all."

Xael: "How did you find out?"

Xael glares slightly at me as I bite my lip nervously.

Anastasia: "Do not take your anger out on her. A mother always knows, plus she has the same mark on her shoulder as you do on your chest. I must say, she is quite small for a werewolf, but I guess her wolf is bigger."

Xael: "Mother, I'm not ready to introduce Winnie as my Luna yet. Can you just keep this information to yourself."

Anastasia: "I am tired of waiting Xael.  You are not getting any younger. I want to see grandbabies. You can't be a king without an heir. It is unacceptable. Our people have been accepting of you not having a mate for all these years, but you can't put off not having a child."

Xael: "Mother, can we not talk about this right now."

Anastasia: " Why not Xael?"

Xael: " Because Winnie is human...

Author's Note

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