Chapter 15

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Author's Note:

I saw an increase in reads so here is another chapter! Please do not be afraid to leave comments. I appreciate all votes and again thanks for reading!

"Stop it! You guys are giving me a headache."

Annabelle: "Have you eaten today dear?"

I shake my head no, letting go of my mother slowly in order to plop down on my bottom to sit. I twirl a long piece of my hair around my finger, waiting for an argument to start up again.

Annabelle: "Come with me to the kitchen. I will make you your favorite lunch, lettuce and spinach with cut up strawberries and toasted walnuts."

Xael: "She needs to eat meat, to get her strength up. I can't have the future provider of my children be tiny and weak."

Annabelle: "You keep forcing your eating habits on her. You know meat or any animal product causes her extreme nausea and vomiting. It has been this way since she was a little girl and could eat solid foods."

Xael: "Fine go get food for us both. Winnie is not leaving this room till I say so."

Mother glares at Xael, but does not reply to his authoritative tone.

"I will be okay. You can leave us mother. We still have a lot to talk about anyways."

She nods her head before standing back up, exiting out of the room. As soon as the door shuts quietly I turn around to face Xael.

"What the hell was that about?"

Xael: " I warned you Winnie. I told you. You can't be angry with me over how my wolf feels right now. She has disrespected me. I want to punish her."

"You can't talk to my mother that way."

Xael: " I am master of this land and king alpha. I can talk to anyone how I please, including you."

"You can be a real jerk sometimes. If you want us to actually have a relationship, you can't just throw your title around to make me obey you. We are equals now. I'm not just your slave. I'm your soul mate."

Xael: "I'm sorry Winnie it is not in my nature to be submissive, but I'm willing to calm down and  not be so controlling, but I can't make you any promises."

" I understand. I just want you to try."

Xael: "I will."

"Are you going to tell people about us?"

Xael: " You aren't ready to be introduced as my Luna yet. I need to train you. You need to be able to protect yourself, especially from female werewolves. I've had admirers for years trying to become my Luna and they won't be happy to find out that she is you. They might fight you for the title."


Xael: "Yes. I need to give you a book on ancient laws. The law states that any royal status can be fought for if a person deems said status holder isn't worthy of their title. This means even I could loose my king alpha title if someone wants to challenge me."

"So say they were to fight me and win?"

Xael: "You would be dead. It's a fight to the death over the title."

"Would you be dead as well?"

Xael: "Yes. If you die, I would die a thousand times over."

"No need to be dramatic Xael."

He shrugs, continuing to stand up overlooking his land from his window.

"Xael why is it that we almost died because of being apart. Years of studying other werewolves I've seen some mates travel without each other, but none have experienced what we have."

Xael: "I meant to tell you this earlier but yes we are mates, but we haven't sealed our soul bond yet. That is why I almost died without you and vice versa. With the bond being unsealed we can't go even a day without having each other near."

"What happens when we do seal the bond?"

Xael: "We can be apart, for days even weeks, but the longer we are apart the more we would yearn for the other and the more miserable we would be, until we were together again. We wouldn't die, just be depressed."

"How do we seal the bond?"

Xael: "On the full moon. We would have to ummm ...."

I watch him as he makes weird hand gestures with his fingers.

"What are you saying? I don't understand."

Xael: "Oh god I love how innocent you are."

"Xael remember we just had a talk about honesty"

Xael: "Under the full moon I need to take your virginity. Willingly of course."


I bite my lip nervously continuing to stare at the now smirking alpha werewolf.

"Is there any other way to seal the bond?"

Xael: "Nope. It has always been this way. A female wolf remains pure till she finds her mate when she turns 18. Then during the full moon she completes a soul bond with her mate by giving herself to him, which in turn makes them mates for life spiritually by soul and physically by the mate mark. Your mate mark is on your neck. Mine is on my chest. They are identical marks."

This is so overwhelming. I have to learn  how to fight and also give my virginity to Xael as well. Why did the Gods choose me for him? He could have any female werewolf, but instead he gets me. A human orphan left in his care who cries whenever she has conflicted emotions.

I burst into tears over my thoughts.

Xael: "Winnie, not again....

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