Chapter 20

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Continuing to move forward with the necklace we soon are standing in front of a picture of man I believe to be Xael's father. The picture has an uncanny resemblance to Xael except the eye color is very different.

His eyes remind me of freshly made honey, so rich and amber.

The necklace pulls me to a small space next to the painting. It is just a blank portion of wall, nothing decorating it.

"What do I do now?"

The necklace continues to float, not really doing anything, so I continue to question it.

"Should I say something? What am I looking for?"

Think Winnie think.

"Do I touch something?"

The necklace flashes twice before resuming how it was. Taking the flashes as a sign my hands reach out to touch the wall in front of me, until I find something.

"This stone is loose."

Pushing it in I hear a click before I step back, not knowing what to expect. The small portion of wall rises up revealing a dark tunnel.

"Well this is a new experience. It is pretty dark in there necklace."

The necklace listening glows brighter than before pulling me forward into the narrow passageway.

Good thing I am small.

As soon as my entire body is inside the passageway door closes behind me. Walking slowly not knowing where we are going I keep my hands by my sides.

There could be spiders in here and I already have dust on the bottom of my dress.

In the distance I soon see a bright light, but I also begin to hear the voice of Xael solely echoing throughout the tunnel. When I reach the light I notice that I can see into the meeting room.

A two-way mirror, they can't see me, but I can see them.

The necklace returns back to its normal state as I continue to figure out what is going on.

Based on the position of the mirror I would have to say that the mirror is above a mantle piece.

The room is packed as the council made of up of five women and five men all sit at a long table made of gold, with intricate carvings. At the head of the table is Xael sitting on a throne fit for a king with his mother and father on the opposite sides of him in smaller, but still elegant chairs. With a bored expression on his face I can tell that Xael is annoyed trying to keep his temper in check.

"We need to assemble our best warriors now, before they come to more of our territories to destroy our land."

A random council man says. The room is silent awaiting Xael's response.

Xael: "We are not going to actively seek war. These creatures are peaceful; the book on their history says so. They do not seek bloodshed. They respect every living being. They didn't kill any of our people. What we need  to do is to set up a meeting with them."

"Yes it is true. They didn't kill anyone, but they still destroyed Eterene. The entire kingdom had to move to our surrounding territories. They killed the crops; the forest is gone, essentially dead. The water has evaporated. In a matter of days sir they have destroyed a kingdom that's been around for centuries."

Xael: "Why do you talk to me like I do not comprehend the issue? I want to find out the purpose of their attack on us before I come to a decision, until then we do nothing. It makes no sense to actively seek a fight when we know nothing of the opponent."

"How do you propose we find them? They haven't been around for over two decades. No one knows where they are hiding. Everyone has been under the assumption that they died off due to the vampires."

Xael: "Here is what I suggest we do. Get our best trackers to find them and deliver the message that I want to meet with their leader. I do not want to speak more on the subject at hand.

Xael's father: "Well now that we have a solution to our problem, we should address another issue.

Xael: "Which is?"

Xael's father: " An heir son. It is time you had a child. The council and I agree that we will help you actively seek a female to bear your children and...

Xael: "I am not a little boy anymore father. You cannot dictate to me when I should do things and how I should do them. This meeting is adjourned. We will continue to converse by messenger and have safe travels back to your kingdoms."

Xael stands up kissing his mother on the cheek before hastily leaving the room.

I need to make it back to his room.

As if knowing I can not speak to tell it what I want the locket starts to glow again leading me another way out. Soon I am pushing on a wall in front of me only to propel forward to the floor. Looking around I notice that I have fallen into Xael's chambers from the tunnel hidden behind a painting near his small bookcase. The painting goes back to its original position closing its entrance just as Xael opens his door with slam. Shutting the door with a heavy force he locks it behind him before glancing around the room searching for me.

Xael: "Winnie what are you doing over there near my books and why are you on the floor?"

"Uhhh no reason. I tripped."

Xael: " My clumsy little princess. Get off the floor in that dress, we have much to discuss."

Standing up I brush myself off before joining Xael on his bed. Running his fingers through his hair I can tell the meeting has rattled him.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

Xael: "What do you know about elementals?"

Author's Note

Can't believe I have made it to chapter 20! Please continue to leave comments, vote and be sure to add this book to your reading lists. Do you think Winnie is going to discuss what the necklace has been doing again? Will Xael tell her about the meeting? What is this new threat to the werewolves? Man do I love cliffhangers. Thanks for reading.

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