•Chapter Ten<< Psychotic Mess•

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Keith's POV

Lance is lying limp in my arms as the others are shock from the previous events.

Hunk and Pidge course they're way towards they're unconscious and trembling friend. The expression on Lance's face is only making the situation harder to deal with. His dilated eyes are slightly open and tears are streaming down his pale - skinned cheeks.

Suddenly, Lance begins to mumble incoherently to himself in his insensible state. But in a flash, Lance jolts up from where he was laying in my lap and looks at nothing.

"Umm, Lance? What are you looking at?" Allura asks softly.

Lance sets his hands on his neck and throws up all over his lap.

"Oh my, Lance! Can someone go get a towel?" Allura demands.

Pidge nods and runs out to fetch Allura's request.

The other set Lance forward so he can't chock on his own fluids.

Pidge returns and helps me wipe the vomit from Lance's lap.

"I'm so sorry, Lance," Pidge says, tears flowing down her cheeks and wipes up the last bit of the stomach content from Lance's mouth.

I smear some of the sweat that formed on the blue paladin's forehead as tears begin to fall from my eyes.

"My gosh, Lance," I whisper. What's happening to you?"

"Hey Keith, my boy? Can you take Lance upstairs to his room, please? I think he just needs to rest now. I'll be up their in a little while to check on him," Coran gently smiles as he kneels down next to Lance and places a hand on his thigh.

"Sure thing, Coran. Shiro, can you help me? I don't want to hurt him," I says as I wipe away my tears.

Shiro slowly lifts Lance's legs off the ground while I pick his upper body up.

We take baby steps all the way to his bedroom while the other follow behind.

"Coran, you have done many great deeds for us. You must not put yourself down for not understand the current situation of Lance. Everyone, lets leave Lance to rest," I hear Allura say behind me as Shiro and I carefully place Lance on his bed.

Everyone leaves while I lean against a wall to try to get some sleep.

Lance's POV

Darkness is clouding every inch of my vision. Something about this darkness isn't normal, it is too thick, extremely intimidating. The thickness of the air is making it almost impossible to breathe, and the incredibly strong feeling of something is going to attack me. There is noise in every direction of the darkness, especially screaming.

I keep looking around the endless abyss in a cold sweat. Then suddenly, all the sounds and screams stop too sharply, causing my ears to bleed. I keep my guard up even more, but I am still scared to death. Red eyes and sharp teeth with blood oozing out suddenly shows itself in the darkness and lungs itself at me screaming bloody murder.

I jolt up from the bed so hard, I fall to the ground. Icy cold sweat clings loosely to my flaming skin as I try to calm my laboured breathing.

Hard breathing, that seems too close to me is heard from the left side.

I hesitantly turn my head with wide-eyes and almost shout out, but sigh in relief when I see the hard breathing is coming from my rival, Keith.

I shift on the floor in a more comfortable sitting position. I pull one of my legs up to my chest and let my other lie limp on the floor. There is no telling how long I end up sitting here, I might of even dose off with my eyes open.

I keep my gaze on the wall, staring into nothing, I then squint my eyes at the wall once I start to notice the red eyes that are beginning to appear there. I am terrified enough as it is, but when a gentle hand is placed on my shoulder, it surprises I don't have a heart attack.

I gasp loudly at the sudden touch and throw my head to the left to meet Keith's dark-eyed gaze.

"Lance, what's the matter?"

I stared at my teammate for a moment before I manage to get my breathing back to normal, yet I am still incredibly strained. One thing for sure is I can't think straight. I am looking at Keith as if I've never seen him before.

"Lance what's...?"

"Keith... w-why are your eyes so... red? Are you still angry at me for killing you?" I prop myself on my knees and cup Keith's cheeks in my hands.

It seems Keith is having a hard time breathing.

"Lance, w-what do you mean...?"

I slowly rises to my feet, with the 'dead' Keith's hand still grasp firmly, yet harmlessly in my own. Keith gets to his feet along with me, but I pull him into my cold embrace. I think my skin is so much colder then it used to be.

I then pull half-way out of the embrace, "Keith, why do I continue to see you? Is it cause you're gonna haunt me for what I've done?"

Keith opens his mouth, but is soon cut off by me shoving him my very hardest and he falls hard on his back. Keith throws his head up to glare at me.

"Lance? What're you doing?" He groans.

"Why, won't ' you jus'...I..I killed you, Dang it, Keith! Go away..."

Keith's POV

Lance's voice doesn't even sound like his own anymore. It is scratchy, deep, and filled with pain and rage.

I pounced from my position on the floor and get to my feet as I notice Lance harshly pulling back his fist.

I feel a horribly painful knot form in the clear middle of his stomach. Lance is running top speed towards me, swinging his fists without a trace of hesitation, just crystal hatred. I dodge many swings easily, but I am caught off guard as Lance throws his fist directly towards my throat. It is like slow motion as I quickly jerk out my own fists and deflected the punch at the last second. The fight suddenly stops with Lance breaking down sobbing.

I think Lance is going... insane.

(A/N : Sorry for the POV's changing a lot. I hope you liked this chapter (I didn't) and thank you for reading!)

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