•Chapter Two<< So The Chaos Begins•

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Keith's POV

It is pretty early in the morning, but my worry and concern for Lance is keeping me awake. Lance has been having nightmares and strange visions for weeks now and I've been starting to wonder if it's changing who he really is. Lance has always been the kind to have the funny attitude and burning personality, he would never lash out at anyone in such a strange manner.

I suddenly snap out of my troubled thoughts when I hear a soft knock on my door. "Come in," I say as I turn my gaze back towards the wall as the door slides open.

"Hey Keith?" Hunk says as he walks into my room. The stressed and sad-toned voice that calls my name makes me immediately jerk my head towards the door where I find Hunk standing against the wall.

"What can I do for ya, Hunk?" I ask him as I approach him and put my hands on his shaking shoulders.

"I'm just," Hunk sighs. "I'm really worried about Lance."

I look directly in Hunk's eyes, and give him a mournful smile. "I understand, man; I'm really worried about him as well," I tell him.

"I think something is really wrong with him, Keith. I'm s-scared," the yellow Paladin explains as he looks down to the floor and starts to sob.

My eyes widen.

I'm not good at comforting people! What do I do? Should I go get someone?

I hesitantly pull Hunk into my embrace which causes him to wrap his large arms around my waist. "It's okay, bud. I'm really worried for Lance too, and I know we will find a way to help him."

The sobs and cries Hunk was releasing begins to tone down as do his firm shaking. The warm embrace I blessed upon my him is broken as I push him back gently to look into his brown eyes. I give him a soothing smile, hoping to look more confident than I feel.

Hunk shares the same smile as I rub my hand on his shoulder. "Keith?" Hunk groans as he clenches his hand across his stomach.

"What's wrong, dude?" I question. I take my hand off his shoulder and stare at his ill like position with a worried tone.

"My stomach is cussing at me," he complains as he raises his head to stare into my eyes.

A smile spreads across my face and causes me to chuckle at his random statement. "Well okay then, lord-of-the-random, let us go fix some breakfast before everyone wakes up," I laugh before I pass him to leave my bedroom.

Hunk smiles from ear to ear as he follows me out of the room.

The silence in the castle is pounding forcefully against my eardrums. The castle is usually so alive when everyone is up and going. Pidge tinkering around with her gadgets. Allura and Shiro talking through a plan to stop the Galra. Hunk messing around in the kitchen. Coran cleaning and fixing things around the castle. While I'm training and Lance doing whatever Lance does.

The walk to the kitchen is filled with awkward silence since it is obvious to see that Hunk can't stop thinking about Lance's situation.

Once we enter the kitchen, the sight that plagues my eyes make my heart skip a beat.

Lance is seated at the kitchen table with his sweaty head clutched very firmly in his perspired filled hands. Hunk and I stand in absolute shock as we can't do more but stand in place.

After what seemed to be forever, I finally bring up the courage to move closer to my teammate.

When I get to a close enough range to him, I can perceive every detail on his terrified looking face, as well as unfortunately hearing the horrifying things he is saying to himself. My heart nearly stops when I heard the first words struggle to escape from his mouth.

"Get...out of...my...head. Help...M...m-" At that point, I can't bare to see him in this condition any longer.

I lunged out at him and firmly wrap my arms around him. His sharp panting is inconceivable uneven, his eyes are tightly shut, and after a short amount of a time, my shoulder is beginning to get soaked with how much sweat that he is letting off.

Lance suddenly throws his head in the air, still tightly clutching the sides of his head and starts to scream bloody murder. "Please leave me alone! Get out! Get out of my head! Please!" he yanks himself out of my grip and falls to the floor.

The grasp on his head get tighter and more firm. Every bit of his face is dripping with perspiration.

Pidge and Shiro come coursing into the kitchen shortly after they heard Lance's screaming. Shiro kneels down next to the blue Paladin and gently places his human hand on Lance's shoulder.

"What is the matter, bud?"

Not long after, Coran and the princess run in and everyone shares the same expression of extensive eyes that show complete and utter fear and worry.

Lance is dangling his head over his knees as he struggled to fight for breath. No words are able to be spoken. Lance keeps opening and closing his mouth, but no words escape. He screams one last time until the room is suddenly filled with painful silence. Lance's mouth is still open, except no other sound escaped his throat. His eyes are rolled back in his head and his body goes completely limp.

(A/N~ Two chapters in one day?! Whoa!! Lol... comments and votes would be cool if you feel like the chapter deserves one! Tell what I should fix or do better on please! <3)

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