•Chapter Three<< Mine•

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Keith's POV

My eyes explode open as I shoot up in bed. My panting is sharp and hard to control. I don't give myself enough time to process what is happening as I fly out of my bed and course ahead for Lance's room. I make sure to stay as silent as I can so an alarm won't be sent out to the other sleepers in the castle.

Once I reached Lance's bedroom, I take a chance to let my breathing and heartbeat quiet down so I can gather up my thoughts. That has always been the most important part of being a leader; you must no matter what, try and stay calm. Shiro has been teaching me that.

I entered Lance's room and let out a joyful sigh of relief when I see that Lance is fast asleep on his bed. A small smile breaks free from the scene of my teammate. I gently approach his peacefully sleeping form. My thoughts are going in many different directions that give me different emotions at the sight of Lance. The one thought that will forever curse my mind; is the memory of Lance screaming his heart out for something to get out of his head.

The thought and spectacle of my friend in such a condition makes me frown and grunt in frustration. "What is it that Lance was talking about? Why was he screaming such a haunting thing?" There are a plethora of questions I am asking myself as I thought out loud.

My thoughts are soon interrupted by Lance mumbling something in his sleep. I jump as his startling action and run up to his struggling figure.

I wasn't even going to bother seeing him say anything else in his sleep any longer so I immediately wake him from his stressful slumber, "Lance, Lance, you have to get up now," I say with a hint of anger in my voice.

Lance's yes shoot open at my voice and he looks at me with red veined eyes. "Wha' are you doin' in here, Keith?" Lance asks in an extremely irritated, yet exhausting tone.

I stare into his blue, blood-colored veined eyes and immediately wrap my arms around his shoulders. Lance stiffens with confusion. My grip on him is robust which makes it hard for Lance to pull himself out of my hold.

"Keith, what the heck s'wrong with ya?" He asks seeming irritated  but clearly concerned.

"Lance, are you okay?" I question as I pull myself out of the hug and stare straight into his baby blue -colored eyes.

"Uhhhh...yeah, m'fine, Mullet," I stiffen at his response as my arms automatically pull him closer to me. "Lance, let me stay in here, just so I can be sure you're alright," a long silence is spread across the room, which puts me into a small panic.

I put my head down to where Lance is laying on my chest and relax my muscles to soon realize he put himself back into a deep slumber.

A small smile is shared to the unconscious Cuban. I kiss the top of his head as I put him and I in bed. I wrap the covers tightly around us and hold him in a close grip. I gaze at him for a long time and smile at him through every second that past. "As long as you're safe, man, as long as you're safe." I calmly say to myself, and drift off into sleep.

Lance's POV

My eyes slowly open from my quiet slumber with me blaming the sound coming near me. I examine every square inch of my room and then rub the white crust from my eyes. The silence in the darkness of my peaceful chamber is fairly a beautiful tone to my ears.

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