Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: A picture above of what I imagine Alyssa looks like, though feel free to imagine her anyway you choose.


Never in my life would I ever think that I of all people would wake up to a certain green eyed beauty. I knew in my heart that he would come, but my head had other ideas. Imagine my surprise when I wake up to him reading to me, once my senses returned I was able to make out certain words and phrases coming from his pouty lips.

"Would you like them here or there?" His voice was almost inaudible, I waited a bit as he continued to read aloud. The familiar phrases and words made me guffaw, the pain in my body shot to each nerve as he jumped back in surprise.

His eye showed relief and worry, tossing the book aside and clutching my hand. The action made me feel tingly and happy, the grin on his face widened as I let out a little giggle - the sound surprised me greatly. I don't giggle, I never giggle. 

"Noah." I breathed out happily, he lifted my hand to his cheek. His skin felt smooth along my fingers, his face brightened noticeably. 

"Oh peanut, you had me worried sick. I wa-as so scared." He whispered the last part, my heart broke - feeling awful for making him feel that way.

The gloomy atmosphere dissipated as I glanced down at the abandoned book in the arm chair, my throat bubbled as I giggle loudly. "What's so funny?" He smiled crookedly, the action made me blush.

"Were you reading green eggs and ham?" I said between small breathless huffs, my laughter had gotten worse. I was practically spluttering my words as he sat there with his own huff and red cheeks.

"I'll have you know, green eggs and ham is a classic. Besides, they only had children's books available." He defended with a smirk, my eyes lit up once again at his revelation.

I gasped, calming my beating heart as a wave of pain hit me. "Shit are you alright?" He panicked, his hands gently ran over my shoulders - thankfully covered by the hospital gown.

"I'm okay." I assured him, letting out a small cough. He didn't stop fussing over me until I practically smacked his hands away. "How long have you been here anyway? It's dark outside." I frowned, not fully understanding why he was here in the first place.

He let out a shaky breath, as if suddenly remembering a terrifying memory. " A few hours, I would've been here longer if it weren't for that blighter." His sad expression turned to one of anger and jealousy.

"Blighter?" My accent sounded horrid and wrong with the word, I could see his mouth forming a grin at my ignorance.

"Indeed." He didn't elaborate, though I waited for him to do so. When he didn't reply I only rolled my eyes in return - though I caught the smirk on his face. "And anyway, I managed to get a free pass for visiting hours so. . ." He smiled in victory, his small celebration had confused me once again.

"And that's good because?"

His eyes didn't meet mine as he gently grabbed my hand in his, our fingers tangled together like a puzzle piece. "Because, now I can spend as much time as I want with you." He concluded, his voice dropped down to nothing but a whisper. It was then that I noticed the air in the room had changed - not only had out conversation taken a complete turn. But now I could see the close proximity our faces were, I could see every little detail on his face as though I were viewing him from a microscope.

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