Chapter XXIX: Shift In Power

Start from the beginning

"Sienna... baby, no." Dad breathed, collapsing to his hands and knees.

"I'm not a baby anymore, Dad." She looked at him seriously. "I'm tired of being treated like one. It's time I took control."

I could finally move. I rose to my feet and sprinted out the door. Lucien caught up and led the way. Usually, I wouldn't like for Sienna to be taking over, but for some odd reason, I didn't care. I was glad she finally broke off and found her independence. It seemed like I already had, since I wasn't as dependent on my siblings as I used to be. Stone had, also. It was noticable that we had grown apart some, not much, but some.

Lucien came to a sudden stop, almost making me run into him. I heard the sound of skidding tires. There were screams of "Wolves!" and "They might have rabies!". The people around us went into a frenzy, all trying to run in different directions. We tried to stay away from them, but no matter where we turned, there was a wall of panicked people. My ears flattened on my head when I heard loud sirens. There was some more skidding of tires as animal control showed up. If we didn't get away now, we would be taken away and put down. This town had had so many run-ins with rabid animals, that they stopped taking chances and just shot the poor things, infected or not.

I grew tired of  being trapped, so I started growling and snapping at people to get them to move out of my way. Lucien followed my lead. We soon had a path cleared for us. There were a few people standing in the way of animal control so they wouldn't shoot us. Those were the animal-lovers. They got arrested a lot for getting in the way of things like this. We eventually made it through the large crowd and ran like our lives depended on it. Because they did. Oncoming cars screached to their stops, trying not to hit us. It took a while to get away from town, because of all of the traffic and people.

As soon as we entered the forest, we were surrounded. Lucien forced me under him before I could even protest. I was able to see the people around us. They weren't anyone we had to worry about. Raelande Jo, Erin, Kes, and Toby were standing in a half circle around us. Lucien let me up and I snapped my jaws at him. He ignored me.

"Want a ride?" Toby asked.

Lucien tilted his head to the side.

"We have orders from the Alpha." Raelande Jo said.

They all shared knowing smirks.

...:::At The School:::...

Erin took me to a room she said was mine and Sienna's. It took me a while to change back to human. After much coaching from Erin's part, I was back to myself. Only a pair of black jeans, a shirt that seemed to belong to a guy, and my combat boots were left, other than my sisters clothes, but I didn't want to wear them, although I did steal a bra. I stayed commando, becuase I didn't want to borrow a thong. The girl may act innocent at times, but she only owned thongs and I didn't feel like having my ass flossed at the moment. I left my hair to hang around my shoulders, not bothering to brush out the nasty knots. Something about the room seemed familar, but I just brushed it off and let Erin take me to the lunch room. Lucien was already there, dressed and ready for whatever came next. So were the rest of my friends.

When he saw me, a smile spread across his face. "That's my shirt."

"You want it back?" I asked, lifting it to my bust line.

His face became seriouse. "Don't."

I snorted and dropped it back into place. "Okay, so who's in charge here?"

"Mr. Benton; he should be in his office." Kes told me.

"Let's go, then." I said.

Lucien led the way. When we got there, he didn't knock. He swung the door open and let me in first. The man Kes said should have been in here, wasn't the only one in the room. There was a other man and, what seemed to be, his wife.

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