My Day with Nathan

Start from the beginning

I go over to my suit cases and shake my head. 'Mental note: Unpack when I get home.' Home? Yeah that's what this is now. I smile and pull out a Beatles shirt and jean shorts. I then go over to another suitcase and pull out a blue hair straightener and get started on my out fit for today.


After an hour of dressing and doing hair I'm ready for the day (external link). I skip across my room and pull the door open. I hear laughing from downstairs and go over to the stair case and look down. Everyone's back is toward me. I decide to try and be sneaky and make my way down stairs like a ninja. 

I make it down without any falling or noise and sneak up behind Siva. I was planning on just yelling "Boo" but my stomach had a better idea. Right as I'm about to scream my stomach makes this obscene noise that makes him jump instead. 

All heads turn to me and I put my head down and laugh silently. The first to break the silence is Tom, with his contagious laugh. Soon everyone else is laugh and I look up and see the smiles on their faces. I walk over to Jay and Nathan and plop in between them and wait till they finish laughing until I speak.

Me: "So Nath, I think we should um get some food."

I turn to Nathan. He nods in agreement and gets up with me in tow. I look over at Max who has concern written over his face. I walk over and kiss him on the head before hopping over the couch and beating Nathan to the door.

Nathan: "Prepare for some crazy fans."

I just smile as he opens the door for me. I walk out and hear screaming that grows once Nathan is out side beside me. We walk quickly avoiding the fans and hurrying into Nathan's car. I walk around the car to the passenger side and slide in while he slides into the driver seat. He quickly turns on the car and pulls away.

We sit in silence for awhile. I look out the window and I can't the silence anymore. I reach over to turn the radio on. "Some Nights" By Fun is on. I quickly glance at Nathan and he glances back at me. Simultaneously we start singing and dancing like freaks. I can't stop laughing as we both just have a two person party.

Nathan: "So where do you want to go and get food?"

I turn my attention to him as the soft buzz of the radio in the background keeps silence from falling. Nathan looks so concentrated when driving. I start to admire him and snap out of it quickly.

Me: "Hmmmm I think we should so to Mc'Donalds. I could use some fast food." 

He just nods his head and clicks the blinker on to take a left turn. I turn attention back to the scenery. Watching everything go by, makes me realize I've missed this. It also makes me realize that I miss Florida. At that thought I feel a vibration in my pocket. I pull out my phone and see I'm getting an incoming call from Lauren.

 Me: "LAUREN!"

I get a weird look from Nathan. I just give him a goofy face before turing back to the conversation.

Me: " I miss you too. Skype? I can't right now. Because I'm in the car with Nathan.... Yes the Nathan Sykes. NO! You can't talk to him. A-Go- BYE!"

I quickly hang up the phone and hear Nathan chuckle beside me.

Nathan: "So your friends' a fan?"

I sigh and shake my head before answering.

Me: "Yeah. Her and my other best friend Sam are crazy obsessed with you and One Direction. They also make me talk in my accent, which I hate to do."

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