"I think you have done more. But really now (FN). Tell me about you. I don't want to be selfish."

"Well honesty I, don't know where to begin. I think you have had more excitement and accomplishments by far. Understand I can't come close to that."

She nodded.

"Like I said college didn't work out for me. Just trying out jobs and exploring stuff. Not too much luck. Just quit my job but I can get by for a few months." I hope it goes well.

"I wish I got to explore. Maybe me and you can one day?"

Unreal. Didn't see that coming. "Where to? And ask away."

"Well I heard hikes were fun. Visiting shrines seem peaceful." She sighed happily.

"Done. Tell me when."

"You are too good to me."

"I do what I can."


It was a great first date. No awkwardness in the air at any point in time. All the right keys and notes being hit right for the most peaceful melody imaginable. Yet it's starting to get dark. To paid the check and walked out. Sad that soon this will be over with.

"I kind of don't want tonight to end." Roseweisse pouted.

"Well at your convenience I'll just be doing odd jobs for the time being."

"I'm sure you will find something. I promise. You are a man with a good mindset."

Can I do anything to make this last just moments longer? "Thank you. Can we take the long way? I wanted to take you somewhere."

"Where?" Don't think into it. He's not perverted.

"Actually a shrine not too far away from here. May I?" You offer your hand again.

"A shrine? The two of us?"

"The shrine of tranquility. A place to go for good times, bad times, or really anytime. Positive and stable energy."

She takes your hand. "I feel like I am on a cloud. This shouldn't be possible. Might be what the doctor ordered."

"Yes. Any chance I can give you a hug?"

"Of course Darling." She held you close to her. Your chest being squeezed by her and your head hanging over her shoulders.

Darling. Why does this feel warm? "I hope you have had a good time like I have."

"Well now isn't that cute." Said a voice.

"Huh?" You see a shadow above. "A demon? GAH!" You've been hit.

"(FN)! No! Valkeyrie!" Roseweisse glowed as she changed into a battle armor.

You laid there motionless as a pink glowing spear was stuck in your right ribcage. It hit vital organs. You coughed blood and couldn't move. "Ros..."

The Fallen Angel laughed. "What a weakling. Why do they give me the easy jobs. No detection. No fight. This is too easy. And you. Platinum haired chick. If you want a date so bad make me a sandwich."

She grunted. "That does it. You will not make fun of him. You will meet your demise." Roseweisse was ready to trick.

"By who? Those tits?" He laughed again.


"HA-CHA!" Issei flew swiftly and uppercut the Fallen Angel right in the jaw. "Xenovia."

"Right." She dashed and cut his left arm off as he screamed.

"Asia take care of him. Roseweisse finish him." Ordered Issei.

Roseweisse was angry. She had a calm personality even when she had no confidence about herself or others. But she was upset. He just ruined her date. He sat up screaming and Roseweisse didn't hesitate one bit. She cocked back a fist before delivering a haymaker. This easily broke a bone or two in his jaw. "That felt good."

"Ravel. Finish the job." Nodded Issei.

"Right King." Ravel uses her fire magic to burn his to smithereens.

Roseweisse looked over to you see unconscious as the spear did some serious damage to you. Three ribs shattered, punctured lung, ruptured liver, and punctured stomach. She wanted to cry. Asia healed you enough to be comfortable but you were still just out cold. "Issei? What does he know about Devils?"

"Not enough. And this is coming me. I'm not sharpest knife in the drawer." Issei shook his head. "Rias believes he has a Sacred Gear. We have a room set up for him. Early but might as well take him there."

"I'll carry him. And will see him when he wakes up. He will tomorrow morning right?"

"I doubt tonight. I have plans for him." Issei pulled out a chess piece.


The air is warm. It's maybe 75° in the room as you open your eyes. Yawn then cough. "Man." You look up. "This isn't my apartment." Sitting yourself up you feel the soreness. "Why do I hurt and where the hell am I? I institutionalized?" This was weird. A bed that's not yours, a room warmer than something you're used to, and the place looked huge.

A knock came to the door. "Dude you alright?" Said a voice.

"Wait a mi... Issei?" He opened the door. "Where the hell am I?"

"My manor. You weren't feeling well last night." Issei put it very lightly.

"I remember the date. Then talking and that's it. So what the hell happened to me. Where's Roseweisse?"

"Darling!" She smiled running in. Giving you another giant hug. "Please tell me you're okay. I was so worried. I wanted you to be safe. I tried to help you but SOMEBODY decided to take it in his own hands." She glarred at Issei then tended back to you. "I will do my best to take care of you on your new lifestyle. Took me a bit of time."

"New lifestyle?" You asked.

"Yeahhhhh..." Issei smiled. "I'm your Master and you live here now."

"What the..."


I know many may be confused but as mentioned Issei has a House off Rias's. Check the wiki if needed as well. I know it's not usually my forte but I'm rolling with it. I like where this is going a lot regardless of being outside of the comfort zone.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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