{25} My Girl

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3rd Person POV

Mia wipes away some tears that were falling down her cheeks and held onto Newt's hand, "Hey, Newt. It's Mia. I know that you can't hear me, or maybe you do, I...I don't know. But, I just wanted to let you know that whatever you decide, I'll support you."

Mia sniffled, "I know it's not my decision to make to bring you here. But you need to understand that if there's a chance to save you, I'm gonna take that. Because there's something about you, Newt. I can't lose you. Like you said, I can't lose another person. So, that includes you too."

Mia stood up and kissed his forehead, "I love you, Newt."

She wipes her tears and glanced over at the backpack that she brought to the plane. Mia strolled over to it and opened the backpack.

Mia laid the cases and the equipment on the table. Mia's eyebrows furrowed, opening the case up. She picked up the serum with her blood in it and analyzed it.

Mia closed the case and held onto her serum. She gazed over at Newt and sighed, "We'll talk later Newt."

Mia took a deep breath and strolled out of the room. She walks around and held onto the serum closely.

Mia stood back to where she usually was at the beach. She held onto her arms and sighted the ocean. She took a deep breath and said, "I love you, Thomas."

Back in the tent, Thomas hears the echoes of Mia's voice in his head, "I love you, Thomas."

Thomas's eyes shot opened and whispered, "Mia?"

Thomas's eyes shot opened and whispered, "Mia?"

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He sat up and eyed the bed next to him. He removed the blanket and walked over to the other bed, "Mia? What the hell?"

He winced in pain and checked the wound that was patched up underneath his shirt. His heart dropped hearing the sound of Mia's voice in his head, "It's a perfect fairytale ending."

Thomas started to get visions of Mia jumping off of the cliff and his hands held tightly to hers. He remembered when she patched him up and that Mia was the last person that Thomas saw before drifting off to sleep.

Thomas walked out of the room and took in sight of the area around him. He saw the tents and the number of people in the location.

Thomas started to travel along the passageway wondering where his friends were. He had to find Mia. He needed to know if she was safe. He wanted Mia in his arms and not let go.

He kept on walking and spotted Minho, Brenda, Jorge, Frypan, Aris, and Vince. Minho was the first one to come up, standing in front of Thomas.

Minho took a deep breath and Thomas pressed his lips together and his eyes clouded with sadness. Minho and Thomas hugged tightly together and patted each other on the back

"It's good to see you, Minho." Thomas said to him and Minho chuckled back in reply. "It's good to see you too, you ugly shank."

They pulled back and the crew greeted Thomas and hugged him. Thomas then asked, "Where's Mia?"

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