{20} History Repeats Itself

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3rd Person POV

Mia and Thomas were checking left and right, trying to find a way out. "Come on, Thomas. We gotta find the stairwell to go to the roof."

"Why?" Thomas questioned and Mia replied, "I have a backup plan to get us out of here."

Thomas lets out a soft chuckle and said, "You planned this before or after you came here?"

"Before." Mia replied and Thomas asked her, "You had a plan before coming here to get me?"

Mia nods her head, "Of course I did. You were too much of a shank for you to listen to me."

"Yeah, well, what else is new, babe?" Thomas asked then watches Janson over his shoulder and saw Janson get up aiming the gun at Mia

"Mia! Watch out!" Thomas yelled, holding onto Mia as the gunshots were being fired

They went into another room and Mia then said, "Tom, we have to-"

"Mia..." Thomas said slowly, "Don't freak out, okay?"

Mia questioned with his back facing her, "Tom?"

Thomas slowly turned around and his hand was covered with blood. The blood stain on his shirt started to expand.

Mia gasped with tears already developing in her eyes. "Tom? Thomas, no!"

Mia rushes to him and gently helps him sit down, "Don't do this to me, okay?"

Thomas was breathing heavily and harshly as he lifts up his shirt, displaying his blood oozing out. "Shit."

"Oh my god. No, this can't happen. No, no, no." Mia dug through the drawers and handed an item over to them, "Here, baby, put some pressure on it."

Mia said shakily with her hands covering the item pressing onto Thomas's wound, "Not, you. No, no, no. Damn it. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I had to save you, Mia." Thomas responded and whispered, "I wanted to."

Mia inhaled a sharp breath, "Don't leave me, Tom. Please for the love of God. Don't leave me."

"Never." Thomas said to her, "It's not your fault, baby, okay?"

Mia cried out a few tears out, "You will be fine, I promise. You're not gonna die, alright? I'm not gonna let that happen."

"Babe, you gotta go. It's okay. I'll be okay." Thomas said to her panting. "Mia, just leave."

Mia shakes her head, "No, I'm never gonna leave you, okay? I came here for you, Tom. I'm not leaving without you."

Mia's eyes made in contact with his as she said, "We can either get out now or we die trying."

Thomas sends a small smile then turned their heads, hearing the sound of the door opening.

"Shit." Mia mumbled. "Tom, hide."

Mia slid across the floor and hid behind the cabinet, and carried a glass container.

Janson came inside the room holding out his gun. Mia threw the glass container on the opposite side of the room so that Janson could get distracted.

Mia quickly makes a move going to a different location but still close to Thomas.

Janson spoke up, "Mia, Mia, Mia. The infamous black widow. Do you even know why you're labeled 'The Black Widow'? No, it's not because you're the girl who started the revolution. No, it's not because you're the girl who changed the game. You're labeled the 'Black Widow' because of your parents."

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