{12} There Is No Cure!

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3rd Person POV

Mia was now in her uniform that was dark grey with red stripes. She wore the mask and held the weapon walking in front of the WCKD building, with Teresa in front of her.

They entered the building and passed by the sensors. "Stay close, shank." Mia said to her

Other guards looked over at them and nodded. Mia hesitantly nodded back.

A WCKD solider stood in front of them. Mia knew it was Thomas because of his uniform. Thomas looked at Mia then at Teresa. He nodded his head in a direction.

Mia puts a hand on Teresa's back making her walk forward. They walked down the steps then into a hallway with the stairwell.

Newt and Gally came up by the parking lot then walked into the building through the opening.

Teresa unlocks the door and they all entered inside. They held onto their guns checking to see if there was anyone.

Gally stopped in front of the system and said, "Wait, guys, wait. I could get in here."

He lifted up his helmet and Thomas did the same, "Gally, pass me the walkie-talkie."

Gally tossed it to him then Thomas went downstairs to check if the area was clear. Mia was keeping her eye on Teresa. She starts hearing Newt coughing.

Mia goes over to him putting her helmet up and said, "Hey, Newt, you okay?"

She rubs his arm softly and said as he looked at her, "Just say the word. I'll give it to you."

Newt nods his head in reply while Gally was trying to get into the system.

"Everything is gonna be okay, Mia." Newt said to her with a small smile

Thomas comes back up and said through the walkie-talkie, "Frypan, what's your status?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm on it. Tell Minho, hi, for me." Frypan said back

Thomas said to him, "Hang in there, buddy."

Gally opened up the box and told them, "This will work."

"Tom." Mia said and Thomas tossed the walkie-talkie.

Mia said through the walkie-talkie, "Hey, B. Status?"

"Status is working on it." Brenda told her

Mia chuckled and said, "Just make sure you're on time."

"Don't worry, M. You know I'll be there." Brenda told her

Gally closed the box and nodded his head. They all put their helmets back down and started heading to the holding where the kids were.

The door opened then Thomas and Mia stood next to each other. They clocked their guns at the same time and started shooting inside the place.

Gally and Newt started shooting as well, and they were all in the holding area.

"We're clear!" Mia called out then stood in front of the door. She saw the kids inside. The door opened with the help coming from Teresa.

She removed her helmet and smiled, "Hi, I'm the 'Black Widow'. You guys are safe, alright? Come on, we gotta go."

The other doors opened and Newt and Thomas were gesturing them out of their rooms. Kids were getting out and Mia saw the number of kids.

"Jesus." Mia muttered under her breath

"The Vault. How do I get in?" Gally asked holding a gun to one of the guard's neck

The guard replied, "You can't."

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