{8} Don't Lie To Me

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3rd Person POV

Once they came back, Gally, Jorge, Brenda, Frypan, Newt, and Thomas were around a table with the blueprint and map on the table.

"No, no, there's gotta be another way." Thomas said shaking his head

"Like what?" Gally pointed out. "You've seen the building and she is our only way in."

Thomas asked him, "You really think she's gonna help us?"

"I don't plan on asking her permission." Gally said back

Brenda then said, "Am I missing something here? This is the same girl that betrayed us, correct? Same dick."

"I like her." Gally said pointing at her

Brenda commented, "Says the guy who can't win a fight he started."

"Mia told you that?" Gally asked and Brenda nodded her head in reply, "She told me a lot of things about you."

"Tell me something I don't know." Gally commented then Brenda asked, "What is going on with you, Thomas?"

"What? You're afraid your little girlfriend is gonna get hurt." Newt commented

Jorge said to them, "Mia? I'm pretty sure she could take care of herself."

Frypan asked, "Where is Mia, anyway?"

"Probably crying her eyes out." Newt said to them. "Mia said she wanted to be alone."

"What? Did she tell you why? Where is she?" Thomas quickly asked

Newt scoffed and said, "Like, you care about her. You don't even know her."

"Newt?" Thomas asked as Newt continued, "This obviously has never been about rescuing Minho, isn't it? Getting Mia's brother back."

"Newt? Newt, what are you talking about?" Thomas asked with his eyebrows furrowed

"Teresa." Newt told him, "You're still in love with her, aren't you? And you knew that Mia's biggest insecurity is Teresa. How could you do this to her again? First Brenda, and now Teresa, when the hell are you ever gonna learn?"

"What the hell, Newt?" Thomas said to him

Newt responded, "Yet, Teresa is the reason that Mia's brother is missing in the first place. And now we finally have an opportunity to get him back and what you don't want to because of her."

"Newt, that's not-" Thomas said as he was taking steps back with Newt stepping forward towards Thomas

"Bullshit, Thomas! Mia loves you with her whole heart and it's always gonna be shattered by you. Because you're always gonna be the one to hurt her. You'll always gonna be the one to break her heart."

"I'm never gonna hurt Mia again."

"Oh, really? But somehow, deep down, you still love Teresa. You still care about her more than your girlfriend, don't you? Just admit it."

"Newt." Thomas said and Newt grabbed him the collars of his shirt. "Don't lie to me, Thomas! Don't. Lie. To. Me. Stop lying to Mia! You don't deserve her!"

 Stop lying to Mia! You don't deserve her!"

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