A week since school started Sehun showed up in front of the academy.

I am outside and you better get your ass here in three seconds.

I was looking at the text message on my phone with disbelief. I understood that he didn't go to school, but he still knew that we had a schedule and I couldn't be free just at any moment. There were still twenty minutes of my last class left and I didn't know what to do. Sehun didn't like to be kept waiting and I was worried that he was going to get in trouble.

I've been here for five minutes and eight kids already asked me if I'm a drug dealer. I hate this place already. Where are you? Come on, I'm hungry and I want to go eat.

Hold on, I think someone is talking about picking you up from school too.

They called you a crazy waitress. They are definitely talking about you.

I hate competition, especially if they are driving a Ferrari and there's three of them.

My eyes grew wide like saucers at the sight of Sehun's text messages and my hand shot up as fast as possible. I made some bullshit excuse about how I felt sick and needed to go to the nurse and the teacher looked at me in doubt, but she still let me go in the end. I quickly gathered my things and half ran out of the classroom, not even bothering to pretend that I was in pain. I had a bad feeling that Sehun was planning to get involved with three individuals that I wanted him to stay as far away from as possible and it turned out that I was right.

Sehun was holding Baekhyun by the collar of his shirt and glaring at him with anger. The rich boy was clenching his teeth together and looking at him with an equally furious expression. There was darkness in his eyes and I couldn't help it but to think how contrasting they looked. His skin was perfectly smooth and pale and his hands had no bruises or blisters from working. He was wearing three different golden rings and and his school uniform was perfectly stirred. Even with the bruise that was beginning to form on the side of his mouth, he still looked like a model. Then there was Sehun, who was still handsome, but you could also clearly see he went through a lot of hardships in his life. It was enough just looking at his hands, constantly red and bruised from the work he did on his three different part time jobs.

'' You really think any girl would choose you and your lousy scooter over me and my friend's Ferrari? ''

Sehun hit Baekhyun and the rich guy wasted no time before punching him back. In the next moment Kyungsoo and Chanyeol stepped out of the Ferrari and prepared to fight him. A scream broke out of my mind and my hand raised in the air and reached out towards them. Then I suddenly stepped on my untied shoelace, fell and they disappeared from my vision. I rolled to the very bottom of the stairs that were at the entrance of the school building before I finally stopped at the guy's feet.

Kyungsoo covered his mouth to contain his laughter, while Chanyeol turned away and started giggling in the sleeve of his blazer. Baekhyun was staring at me with a look of disbelief, then his lips stretched in to a smirk. Sehun also couldn't help it but to smile at my stupidity, before he stepped closer to me and patted his leg. I pouted and raised my foot towards him, so that he could tie my shoelace for me. '' Were you actually pretending when you assured me that you know how to tie your shoelaces or were you that excited to see me that you didn't even notice? ''

'' If she would be excited to see anyone, it would probably be me, '' Baekhyun spoke up, his amused smirk instantly disappearing again.

I ignored him and said: '' I was excited for the part of your text where you mentioned food, Oppa. ''

I raised my hand, Sehun grabbed it and pulled me on my feet. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo's eyes simultaneously grew wide and Baekhyun's mouth fell open with surprise. '' O-Oppa? ''

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