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Jimin's POV

I sat in my bed, staring at the blank white wall.

I was hugging my pillow close but then I realized it reminded me of how I was held by him.

I threw it down.

I was supposed to go to school but I just didn't feel up to it.

I kept feeling like last night was an utter mistake.

But something at the very back of my head kept denying it.

Why am I so confused?

The last message he'd sent was about two hours before.

I wondered if he was serious about coming.

I hoped not.

I didn't feel like seeing him.

<<knock. knock.>>


I grunted and flipped off my bed.

I ran downstairs in a fit of rage.

I flung the door open.

"I thought I said not to fucking co-!"

The air was too caught up in my throat for me to utter even a single word.

"Excuse me?" he asked with raised eyebrows.

"I-i-i am s-so sorry." I stuttered while bowing about a million times.

"Who should not come Jimin?"


"Really? Hmm, I couldn't tell." he said.

"How come you're back so early?" I asked.

"The conference finished early." is all he said.

"Um...ok...I'll go to bed now."

"Yes, so will I."

And so we both did.


I laid in my bed staring up at the ceiling.

Shit! Wasn't this the same position I was in when...


I threw my pillow up in frustration.

Everything I did reminded me of this dude.

The way I sat.

The way I slept.

The way I held my pillow close.

The way I fucking showered for shits sake.


Tae's POV

I walked up to my bedroom after the longest ever lecture from eomma and a warning from appa.

I planked down on my bed and whipped my phone out.

Even though Jimin had confirmed our 'relationship' I'd still 'do it'.

After I was done, I called him.

He didn't answer.

I was starting to believe that when he said he was only interested in me, he meant in the slightest way possible.

But that wasn't enough for me.

I wanted more than just interested.

I wanted more than just sucking dicks and spilling ice cream in places.

I wanted him to actually like me.

I wanted him.

All over.

The mere sight of him gave me a sort of twitchy feeling.

His body served as a titillation that, each day, had become more and more unbearable to tolerate.

He had become my weakness but he didn't even know it.

And he never will.

Soon after, I fell asleep with one thought in my head and a smile on my face.

That ice cream never tasted better.

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